The Original CZ Forum
CZ PISTOL CLUBS => CZ Polymer Pistols: P10, P-07, P-09 => Topic started by: fastlane604 on December 14, 2018, 06:38:12 PM
For you that own or have shot a Glock Gen 5, how does the trigger compare to a P-10 C? The reason I ask is this. I drove my wife two hours to go Christmas shopping last week. I managed to duck off to a Cabelas's and handle a G 34 Gen 5. It felt much better in my hand than I remembered the G 17 I owned for a short time years ago. The short time was because I didn't like it. This G34 felt much less 2x4 like than I remembered. The attendant was prohibited from removing the trigger lock so I couldn't dry fire it. I really like the triggers on my P-10 Cs.
I have an HBI on one and a CGW on the other. They both are down to 4 lbs. How does the Gen 5 trigger compare? Since it appears that CZ is not building anything with more than a 4.5 inch barrel anytime soon, this G 34 looks like it could be an acceptable alternative if I can make the trigger the way I want it. There are no ranges within many miles of me that rent handguns, which is why I am asking this question.
Cz p10c with hbi trigger is better than the glock gen 5 trigger all day every day and twice on Sunday
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fastlane604 wrote; " Since it appears that CZ is not building anything with more than a 4.5 inch barrel anytime soon,..."
I know they are in short supply, but the new P10 Full-size is now available. The subcompact will be out in January'ish.
I replaced the trigger on my only Glock a G19.5 with a Wheaton Arms trigger and "-" connector, it still is not as good as my CZ P10C!
I have both a CZ P10C and a Glock G45 (new G45 9mm, not a 45ACP). Both are 100% stock and both have approximately the same round count.
As far as trigger pull weight, they are close, but the CZ edges out the Glock. CZ avg of 3 pulls--4lb 15 oz Glock avg of 3 pulls--5lb 2oz
Both triggers are very similar. Take up on both is approximately 1/4" travel, reset about the same, the reset is very noticeable and audible on each with the Glock a bit louder, but the CZ breaks crisper with little or no creep. The Glock has a quite a bit of creep in the trigger.
Like I said, both are very similar and both are, IMO, more than acceptable for a carry weapon, but I feel the CZ has a better trigger than the Glock G45.
I know you didn't ask about overall feel, but for me anyway, the CZ is simply more comfortable in the hand and easier to shoot. I shoot the CZ more accurately than I do the Glock.
fastlane604 wrote; " Since it appears that CZ is not building anything with more than a 4.5 inch barrel anytime soon,..."
I know they are in short supply, but the new P10 Full-size is now available. The subcompact will be out in January'ish.
Yes, I understand the full-size is becoming available. Hence, the reference to the 4.5 inch barrel. The G 34 has a 5.3 inch barrel. The long sight plane and increased muzzle velocity are enticing. I don't think the .5 inch difference in sight radius of the P-10F over the P-10C is of much value to me. Unless, I decide to put a red dot on a P-10F.
I would much prefer that CZ offer a P-10 long slide version with a 5 inch barrel, but that does not seem to be in the works.
Cz p10c with hbi trigger is better than the glock gen 5 trigger all day every day and twice on Sunday
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I like my HBI trigger very much. I actually prefer it over the CGW trigger, even though the CGW has overtravel adjusment. Both are good and I imagine it is more of a presonal preference kind of thing.
Thank you all for your input. I appreciate it. Please continue.
Not ?better? nor ?worse?.
What are YOU seeking in a trigger?
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fastlane604 wrote; " Since it appears that CZ is not building anything with more than a 4.5 inch barrel anytime soon,..."
I know they are in short supply, but the new P10 Full-size is now available. The subcompact will be out in January'ish.
Yes, I understand the full-size is becoming available. Hence, the reference to the 4.5 inch barrel. The G 34 has a 5.3 inch barrel. The long sight plane and increased muzzle velocity are enticing. I don't think the .5 inch difference in sight radius of the P-10F over the P-10C is of much value to me. Unless, I decide to put a red dot on a P-10F.
I would much prefer that CZ offer a P-10 long slide version with a 5 inch barrel, but that does not seem to be in the works.
If you put a red dot on a pistol... the longer sight radius is not needed. The red dot would be better placed on the shorter sight radiused pistol.
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fastlane604 wrote; " Since it appears that CZ is not building anything with more than a 4.5 inch barrel anytime soon,..."
I know they are in short supply, but the new P10 Full-size is now available. The subcompact will be out in January'ish.
Yes, I understand the full-size is becoming available. Hence, the reference to the 4.5 inch barrel. The G 34 has a 5.3 inch barrel. The long sight plane and increased muzzle velocity are enticing. I don't think the .5 inch difference in sight radius of the P-10F over the P-10C is of much value to me. Unless, I decide to put a red dot on a P-10F.
I would much prefer that CZ offer a P-10 long slide version with a 5 inch barrel, but that does not seem to be in the works.
If you put a red dot on a pistol... the longer sight radius is not needed. The red dot would be better placed on the shorter sight radiused pistol.
Maybe I explained myself poorly. The reason that I stated I could go with a P-10 F vs a G34 if I put a red dot on it, is that I understand that the sight radius does not come in to play with a red dot. Hence, knowing and liking the CZ trigger vs not knowing the G 34 trigger, I could go with the P-10 F. However, since the P-10 F and P-10 C triggers are alike, I don't agree that the P-10 C is the better choice for a red dot for me. The reason being, I shoot these guns in competition and the longer barrel produces more velocity which creates a higher power factor for the same load. Plus the longer barrels produce less muzzle flip. If the shorter barreled gun was the best option for a red dot, then I should put one on a P-10 S. I don't think that is the case.
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Not ?better? nor ?worse?.
What are YOU seeking in a trigger?
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Since I like the CZ trigger, I suppose what I am seeking is something similar to that or something that I can modify to be similar to the CZ trigger. The things that I like about the CZ trigger are the very short, positive reset. With the HBI trigger, the pre-travel has been reduced to an acceptable level. I have the CGW trigger on my second P-10 C and found that when I adjusted out the pre-travel completely, I didn't like it as well as having some pre-travel left. With the HBI trigger, the trigger comes to the wall and breaks cleanly at 4 lbs. I have changed the striker spring to reduce the pull weight. I have had no light strikes. There is no mush.
My P10c is early 2018 build date, I was unimpressed with factory trigger especially after all the hype. I'd say about same as my Gen 4 Glock 17.
I did try Glock 45 at the store the other day and for me it has better trigger then my P10c.
P.S. Im not a glock fanboy by all means :)
I own an original (Gen 2.5) Glock 27, a Gen 4 G19 and G17, and a G43. In addition, I used to own a Gen 4 G22. I haven't shot a Gen 5 Glock yet. Of all my Glocks, the original Gen G27 has by far the best trigger. The rest are certainly "combat effective," but weren't what I consider to be good until I did some common trigger work/mods on them. My P-10C has an excellent trigger with one drawback - that darn trigger bite. If I compare my G27 to my P-10C, the G27 wins all day long.
Didn?t realize how bad I need to upgrade the trigger on my P10 until I got a 19X, I think the trigger is way smoother in the Glock. Crisper, better break, not pinchy.
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I will answer my own question. Just received my G34 Gen 5. Here is the comparison between my G34 and my two P-10C triggers. The G34 is bone stock. One of my P-10Cs has a CGW trigger and the other an HBI trigger. However, the only other trigger work done to the CZs was changing out the stock striker spring to the HBI 3.0 lb spring.
Break is much crisper on the CZs. Once the pre-travel is taken out there is a definite wall with a crisp break. Crisper with the HBI than the CGW trigger but both more crisp than the Glock. Reset is shorter on both CZ triggers. No over-travel on CZs. Slight over-travel on Glock. More pre-travel on Glock. However, when stock the CZs had probably the same amount of pre-travel as the Glock. Pull weight is lighter by 8 ounces on the CZs, however that came down with the striker spring change and dry fire.
For me, given that I like a wall with a crisp break, short reset, no over-travel and shortened pre-travel, my CZs with mods have a much better trigger than the Glock. Once I shoot the Glock a while, I will mod it or have it modded to my liking. But, it has some distance to go, right now.
Disclaimer: I have never liked Glocks just as a matter of personal preference, but I want to like them and gave the one I shot a fair chance.
While searching for a new polymer framed striker gun for EDC I test fired a lot of different options, including a Glock 19 Gen 5. Perhaps the one I had fired was broken or dirty (it was a rental, albeit one that was apparently extemely new according to the range staff, and it looked almost brand spanking new and during takedown it looked properly cleaned with nothing wonky) but the trigger pull on it was hands down the worst I've ever felt on a modern factory handgun. Extemely creepy and mushy, a hard to find reset. It was downright unpleasant.
The second generation P10 triggers, by contrast, are some of my favorite factory triggers ever. The take-up on my P10F is smooth, it breaks cleanly, and the reset is extemely short and easy to find. Right out of the box I was drilling out bullseyes very fast.
Your mileage may vary, and my experience with the Gen 5 G19 may have very well have been a fluke, as while I've never particularly liked other Glock triggers they were just meh, not actively unpleasant. It also comes down to what YOU want in a trigger. For my EDC I want something light and quick but not TOO light with a positive reset. That's just my preference.
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The cz p10c is better than the glock 19 gen 5.
I will admit that the glock 19x is a softer shooter
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The cz p10c is better than the glock 19 gen 5. (In the sense of Shootability; it?s easier for me to hit well with).
I will admit that the Glock 19x is a softer shooter (while the P-10C is a ?flatter? shooter).
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My assessment as well.
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They aren't even in the same ballpark. lol
Stock for stock the P-10 trigger is significantly better.
So how do they compare to a PPQ trigger ?