The Original CZ Forum

GENERAL => Ammunition, questions, and handloading techniques => Topic started by: Dan_69GTX on August 05, 2019, 09:56:51 AM

Title: First order w/Grafs - finally getting a case feeder - now to do reloading again
Post by: Dan_69GTX on August 05, 2019, 09:56:51 AM
I've been not participating here since May 17 or done any reloading since my brother unexpectedly passed away at 53 years old.  He lived in AZ with no other family besides us.  So, since I live in VA and he lived in AZ, let's just say that hasn't helped anything get done in a timely fashion regarding the estate crap or anything else.  I've learned to hate bureaucracy even more!

Folks here know I've been wanting a case feeder.  So since I have even less time to reload and shoot it was time to place that on high priority.  Got it and several plates coming from Grafs.  They have it on sale and have a coupon for $4 shipping.

Once I get it installed on the press I'll let folks know what I think about it.
Title: Re: First order w/Grafs - finally getting a case feeder - now to do reloading again
Post by: Wobbly on August 05, 2019, 11:14:23 PM
Very sorry to hear of your brother's passing. That's a blow.

The case feeder changes a lot of things you hadn't thought much about. It's very positive, but parts of your process will need to change.

For me, no more lube pad...  had to convert to spray. Then I had to start counting my brass like in the video with a 40cal ammo tray. If I'm going to load 200, I put in exactly 200 cases. You'll find out why !!  O0

Congrats on the feeder.
Title: Re: First order w/Grafs - finally getting a case feeder - now to do reloading again
Post by: Dan_69GTX on August 06, 2019, 09:33:24 AM
Thanks for the condolences - yea - it really sucks.  Died in his sleep.

I changed to the Hornady spray lube a while ago - I place the brass on a large shop rag, spray, pick up the rag by the ends and "see-saw" it back and forth, place it down, another quick shot of lube, and load.  So, I should be able to keep that routine.

Why count the brass?  Or I guess I'll figure it out.

I'll probably have to move my lights to potentially get them out of the way and get light where needed.  I might need to spring for the inline press LED lights - currently just have a long-necked desk lamp that I can position where needed for the "powder check".

I've got plenty of room above the press so good to go there.
Title: Re: First order w/Grafs - finally getting a case feeder - now to do reloading again
Post by: Wobbly on August 07, 2019, 10:51:33 PM
I might need to spring for the inline press LED lights - currently just have a long-necked desk lamp that I can position where needed for the "powder check".

No, no, no ! For the very few dollars more you most definitely want the UFO lighting from KMS Squared.

And you might want to look at some safety glasses that double as sun glasses.   ;D
Title: Re: First order w/Grafs - finally getting a case feeder - now to do reloading again
Post by: Dan_69GTX on August 15, 2019, 09:16:22 AM
Wobbly - Thanks for the link!  I'll be seriously looking into that.

Case feeder is now installed and working!

Thoughts, comments, issues:
 - instructions are not that clear - updated ones are on Hornady's website - even those are merely ok.
       EX: page 3 (step 2) you assemble to 2 pieces of square tubing and then it states "attach assembly on press".  Ok -can do that.  Then on page 8, (step 11) it gives more details on how to do it.

 - Assembly of parts in the package are NOT included in original instructions - but are on the downloaded ones.
       EX: Case Escapement Bracket Assembly

I've got things adjusted to work with 9mm.  The instructions say for pistol to have the "case feed door" all the way open.  But I'm getting some cases falling mouth first and sometimes jamming in the plate at the point of dropping, causing the motor to stall.  For troubleshooting it says to do the opposite for each issue:
        - Cases are falling mouth first out of the bowl - Close the door adjustment.
        - Cases are getting caught in the open hole on the bowl - Open the door adjustment.

So, I'll keep playing with it and post more later.

Title: Re: First order w/Grafs - finally getting a case feeder - now to do reloading again
Post by: tdogg on August 16, 2019, 01:23:17 PM
I have a love hate relationship with my Hornady Case feeder.  It does improve your throughput but I've had to tinker with it quite a bit to fix the short falls.

Here are two items I feel should come from Hornady to fix it's performance (significantly reduce jams).

Fixes the feeding operation and is well worth the investment.  You can also make your own if so inclined.  It is such an improvement they could charge double and I would still purchase it (had I not made my own).

Stabilizing the pivot bracket with either a bolt or as I did with a piece of square tubing wedged above it between the pivot bracket and tube support bracket is also required.

I also purchased a 3D printed drop tube and the Black cat pivot adapter funnels but they are a nice to have, not required as above.

Title: Re: First order w/Grafs - finally getting a case feeder - now to do reloading again
Post by: Dan_69GTX on August 16, 2019, 07:26:46 PM

Thanks so much for that video and link. 30 cents later and it is working much better!!

Could you post a pic of the square tubing mod you did?

Title: Re: First order w/Grafs - finally getting a case feeder - now to do reloading again
Post by: tdogg on August 17, 2019, 02:44:10 AM
The square tube fix is a little ghetto but prevents the pivot bracket from flexing upward and greatly increases the reliability of the pivot actuator.   Just make sure you cut it just too long so it wedges in place.

I also like to lube the actuator with the hornady one shot gun cleaner and lube.   I also glued the actuator bushing into the pivot bracket as it was working itself free during use.



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Title: Re: First order w/Grafs - finally getting a case feeder - now to do reloading again
Post by: Dan_69GTX on August 19, 2019, 11:03:19 AM

Thanks so much for the pics.  Now I understand.

Hornady did an update on the case feeder and now have a better bracket for the pivot block.

I'll see how it does before I try your suggestion.

Thanks again!!


Title: Re: First order w/Grafs - finally getting a case feeder - now to do reloading again
Post by: Dan_69GTX on August 20, 2019, 07:53:16 AM
I found that I can't put too many cases in my feeder before it starts to bind.  From the size of the hopper I thought - no problem - throw in 300-400 - nope.  So, I picked up a $3 mirror, about 12"x24" and mounted it to the ceiling above the bench - Now I can see how many are in there.

Then I connected a power strip to the light switch - that supplies power to the hopper motor and the lights for the press.  So, now I don't forget to turn them off when done (not that I would ever have that problem!  ::) )

I'm starting to enjoy this case feeder!
Title: Re: First order w/Grafs - finally getting a case feeder - now to do reloading again
Post by: Wobbly on August 20, 2019, 08:30:30 AM
The case feeder changes a lot of things you hadn't thought much about. It's very positive, but parts of your process will need to change.

A case feeder is a game changer in more ways than one.

Title: Re: First order w/Grafs - finally getting a case feeder - now to do reloading again
Post by: Dan_69GTX on August 26, 2019, 12:15:34 PM
Upside down cases being fed - about 1 every 100 or so.

Is this normal?  Do Dillon folks have a similar issue?

Not that big of a deal since I can just flip it and keep going.  Case feeder still greatly increases the round count per hour.  Getting a little faster as I get use to and modify my loading process.  I still touch every case to make sure I don't have steel, stepped cases or crimped (NATO) primer pockets, then lube them, them dump them into a bucket to slowly add to the case feeder.
Title: Re: First order w/Grafs - finally getting a case feeder - now to do reloading again
Post by: tdogg on August 26, 2019, 02:35:44 PM
The case cop should fix that.  I have yet to see an upside down case with my poly line positioned to push extra cases back down into the feeder.

Is your case door completely open?  I put a piece of kydex covering half of the opening (the right side opposite the adjustable cover) to prevent case jams (prior to getting the case cop fix).  I haven't removed it but my case feed is working great now.  You might want to close it a bit.

As an aside, I am super impressed with the Hornady customer service.  I just called to inquire about some replacement parts I need mainly due to wear and tear.  I also inquired about the cam block clamp fix as well.  They are sending me all the parts and the upgraded cam block kit free of charge no questions asked.  Super easy and it will get my equipment back tip top.

Title: Re: First order w/Grafs - finally getting a case feeder - now to do reloading again
Post by: Dan_69GTX on August 26, 2019, 03:35:27 PM
Hmmm - ok - I'll have to reposition/play with the location the plastic line.

Case door all the way open.  Haven't played with that at all since I put on the plastic line.  Guess I'll play with that too.

Yes, so far very impressed with their customer service regarding replacing parts.  I broke one of the advancing paws and they replaced it for free - even though I told them it was my fault.  They also sent some other parts that were wearing (primer shuttle, springs) no questions asked.
Title: Re: First order w/Grafs - finally getting a case feeder - now to do reloading again
Post by: Wobbly on August 26, 2019, 09:48:14 PM
I've got a big magnet right where the case exits the feeder. It sucks all the steel ones right up.

And no, I never had an upside-down case.
Title: Re: First order w/Grafs - finally getting a case feeder - now to do reloading again
Post by: Dan_69GTX on September 04, 2019, 12:31:56 PM
Haven't had time to reload anything recently so no update on my testing.

I like the idea of a magnet somewhere on the drop of the cases.  I held one on the drop tube and dropped a steel case and it sure caught it.  So, I'll have to play with that idea as an extra measure of security.

Wobbly - any pics on what you did to hold the magnet?  I've got several from old hard drives that are very strong!
Title: Re: First order w/Grafs - finally getting a case feeder - now to do reloading again
Post by: Wobbly on September 05, 2019, 08:53:01 AM
Haven't had time to reload anything recently so no update on my testing.
You've got to be kidding ! I can't believe Family is more important than Reloading !!  O0

I like the idea of a magnet somewhere on the drop of the cases.  I held one on the drop tube and dropped a steel case and it sure caught it.  So, I'll have to play with that idea as an extra measure of security.

Wobbly - any pics on what you did to hold the magnet?  I've got several from old hard drives that are very strong!
The Dillon has a funnel at the top of the feed. Not wanting to glue or permanently mount the magnet, I stuck a smaller magnet (or plain steel piece) inside the funnel area, and then stuck a larger magnet to the outside. Cases just jump over to it when they get anywhere near.

I got some of the hard drive magnets too, and they work great for this job.

Title: Re: First order w/Grafs - finally getting a case feeder - now to do reloading again
Post by: Dan_69GTX on September 05, 2019, 10:21:26 AM
You've got to be kidding ! I can't believe Family is more important than Reloading !!  O0

No,it isn't family - it is $$.  Since my brother's passing we have had to make the $1200/month mortgage payment (and electric, sewer, etc) on my brother's house or we lose the house and any equity.  So I've been working hard on trying to sell the stupid thing - 2400 miles away.  Luckily a good friend there has been helping let folks into the house, making sure the pool guy is really taking care of the pool, etc.

Closing is supposed to be today.  So, if that happens I'll have more "free time" to not spend on trying to sell a house that is costing me $$.

THEN Family will be more important!  8)

The Dillon has a funnel at the top of the feed. Not wanting to glue or permanently mount the magnet, I stuck a smaller magnet (or plain steel piece) inside the funnel area, and then stuck a larger magnet to the outside. Cases just jump over to it when they get anywhere near.

I got some of the hard drive magnets too, and they work great for this job.


Maybe I'll try some double sticky tape for the magnet - good idea!

My younger son and I have been having good father-son bonding time while shooting his 1911 and my CZ.  So, I need to get my act together and get some more reloaded.  Then I need to do more 45's.  I've not loaded 45's since 2016 and even then there were not that many I did.  However, running out of factory ammo, so......