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GENERAL => Cajun Gun Works => Topic started by: tdogg on May 26, 2021, 07:42:43 PM

Title: CGW Tactical Sport Hammer Kit Feel
Post by: tdogg on May 26, 2021, 07:42:43 PM

I am wondering if I can get a better "wall" feel from the CGW TS hammer kit?  I compete with TSOs and I've tweaked the pull weight by increasing the main spring and changing out the sear spring but they are still is very light trigger pulls.  Does the CGW hammer give you a more pronounced wall before the break over the stock TSO competition hammer?  Has anyone switched out the TSO hammer for a CGW TS hammer?  What are your reasons for changing and impressions of the change in feel?

I shoot USPSA and some steel challenge with my TSOs and I've been having it release before I'm 100% ready when running a course of fire.  Obviously not over the berm and not when moving but as I'm prepping the trigger for release when I'm acquiring the sight picture needed to fire.  It doesn't happen every match but happens frequently enough that I'm entertaining changing out for the CGW kit.

I'll call CGW but I thought I'd ask here before to see if anyone has experience to share.

Title: Re: CGW Tactical Sport Hammer Kit Feel
Post by: tdogg on June 11, 2021, 01:33:02 AM
Well David got back to me and confirmed that was the intent of the TS hammer kit.  To eliminate the vague feeling of the stock TS trigger.  I pulled the trigger on two TS hammer kits and installed them tonight on both my TSO's.

I have tried to make my two TSO's triggers feel the same by tuning them but they both had slightly different feel upon break.  One had a reasonable wall and was slightly heavier.  The other was more vague and was lighter.

I meant to measure the trigger pulls before and after for both TSO's but I neglected to take the baseline on the second TSO before tearing it apart.  It was my lighter and more vague feeling trigger.  Regardless here are the numbers I do have.

TSO1, Before:  2lb 8.5oz,  After:  2lb 13oz
TSO2, Before: -- oops, After:  2lb 11oz

The trigger pull weight increase comes in the form of a more pronounced wall.  It isn't that much heavier, but the break point is more defined and the trigger is more crisp.  Which I didn't think could happen, the stock CZ competition hammer is really a vast improvement over standard CZ hammer.  The CGW hammer has a better wall and the break is cleaner.

I replaced the sear spring (with a new CZ springs) in both and I'm running a 26lb hammer spring in both.  The feel is much more similar between both guns now.  Both have a defined break point and their weights are much more similar.  It will be easier to swap between guns now and that is a good thing.  I try to run them about the same to keep their round counts similar to keep maintenance tasks together.

All in all, the preliminary results are positive with the CGW TS Hammer kit.  I have a match Saturday and will test it further.  I can't say that I really liked the look but after handling the hammer the edges aren't as sharp as they look in images.  The hammer cocks easy as it has more protruding back to get your thumb on it.  The finish is nice, it looks like a nitride finish and matches the slide.


Title: Re: CGW Tactical Sport Hammer Kit Feel
Post by: tdogg on June 11, 2021, 05:07:24 PM
I should also state that this is trigger snobbery at it's finest.  The stock TSO trigger is a really good trigger, albeit light.  The reality is that I need a heavier trigger to help my trigger finger from breaking the shot too soon when on the clock in USPSA.  I'm hoping this is the ticket but the jury is still deliberating.

Title: Re: CGW Tactical Sport Hammer Kit Feel
Post by: Earl Keese on June 11, 2021, 07:08:12 PM
I didn't reply because I don't have a TS, but. . .
I do have an OEM TS hammer in an SAO 75. The oem hammer definitely has a more rolling break compared to my Cajun hammer equipped 75's. In a TS I can see that being a problem for trigger prep, especially in Steel Challenge since prep happens during  O0 the transition.
Title: Re: CGW Tactical Sport Hammer Kit Feel
Post by: George16 on June 12, 2021, 12:05:32 PM
I installed CGWs hammer and adjustable sear kit on my shadow 2. The wall is definitely more pronounced compared to the the stock and CZUB competition hammer. I ended up selling the factory competition hammer and sear.

I have not replaced the hammer and sear in my TSO or Czechmate. I actually liked the feel and all I did was replaced the sear spring with a Tanfo sear spring. Both guns trigger pulls are very light at 1# 3.2 oz. I also removed the overtravel screws on all of my competition guns. I’m used to it already to the light trigger pulls.
Title: Re: CGW Tactical Sport Hammer Kit Feel
Post by: tdogg on June 12, 2021, 09:35:34 PM
Shot the match today.   Trigger felt good.  I didn't have any premature launches.  My guns (yes I switched to the backup) didn't want to run today and I think I figured out the issue.

I recently replaced all my magazine springs (13 coil? cz custom springs for extended bases) and I was having feeding issues.  The top coil that attaches to the follower was not pointed up enough and I was having noise dives on the feed ramp.  I put the old springs back in till I can test the new reworked springs in practice.

I actually ordered grams springs trying to get my guns to run again.  At first they ran great but then I ran into the same issue fairly quickly.  I think I had an extractor issue.  I do think the CZ custom mag springs need to have the nose pushed up more but I didn't fully resolve this issue until I removed the extractor and fully cleaned it and the channel.  It's been running well since.  I haven't tried the CZ Custom springs yet.  I will save them for when I need to replace springs again and try them again post detail gun maintenance.


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