The Original CZ Forum

CZ PISTOL CLUBS => CZ75, 75b, 75 SAO inc the Transitional => Topic started by: Motorcop on February 15, 2024, 09:35:54 AM

Title: Decisions On "Best To Buy"
Post by: Motorcop on February 15, 2024, 09:35:54 AM
Having limited experience with CZ pistols in general and now owning 2 of them I have a question for the more experienced CZ owners.  Clearly there are many pistol choices to purchase from CZ, but I find the many varied models confusing when it comes to actually buying one.  I have decided I would like to purchase another CZ to add to my meager CZ collection but this time I want it to be a SAO pistol.  CZ recently discontinued a few seemingly solid candidates such as the SAO Orange and Green model and then they almost immediately came out with the bull barrel SAO Orange.  I can still find a few discontinued models still for sale, but I question my sanity buying a discontinued model.  If you had the choice would you look to purchase one of the discontinued Orange or Green models, or would you go for the new bull barreled Orange model, or perhaps the newer TS2 SA Custom?  I have even thought of buying the CZ 75 Bullseye model.  I don't partake of any run and gun competitions anymore and this would be a pistol for paper punching (Bullseye) shooting only and must be accurate with a great SA trigger.  Any thoughts from the group will be appreciated.

Rick H.
Title: Re: Decisions On "Best To Buy"
Post by: Wobbly on February 15, 2024, 12:26:09 PM
Consider that the gun is only half the accuracy formula. You might gain more accuracy by handloading your own ammo for the guns you already own. My shot groups shrank by half when I converted to handloaded ammo.

Consider that when factories make ammo, they need to consider costs very carefully. And because they load ammo by the billions, the extremely accurate bullet (or powder) XXX ammo maker uses today, may not be identical to the component(s) the same factory uses next month !!

Accuracy boils down to being consistent. That's the whole premise behind "dry firing" and other gun handling drills. But your ammo also needs to be consistent to gain the most from your shooting. There's only one way to do that in this market.

Read more here:

Title: Re: Decisions On "Best To Buy"
Post by: M1A4ME on February 15, 2024, 02:54:06 PM
The info about reloading your own is absolutely correct.  Ammo specifically developed and tested for your pistol.  Usually what shoots good in one CZ shoots good in another.

Even when CZ discontinues a pistol a lot of the internal parts, maybe most of them, are still made/available because the also fit other CZ pistols.  Pins, triggers, hammers, extractors, safeties, etc.  The slide and frame may be different but the majority of the wear and tear parts are still being made for the new models.

Title: Re: Decisions On "Best To Buy"
Post by: Motorcop on February 15, 2024, 10:12:02 PM
Thanks for the replies, but I already handload my own ammunition for about 15 different calibers including 9mm.  I currently run 231 powder with Hornady Hap 115 grain bullets and it is a very accurate load out of all my 9mm pistols including my Shadow 2 Blue and my Shadow 2 Compact.  I also load heavier stuff when I feel a need for them, so it isn't a fact of needing custom loads for my pistols, I already have that taken care of.

I was more or less interested in finding out information for a SAO CZ target pistol with slightly longer sight radius for bullseye use and other fun stuff.  Unfortunately for me CZ has decided to terminate the Orange and Green models, but recently re-introed the Orange SA with a bull barrel.  I haven't read much about the accuracy potential with the new bull barrel model.  CZ Custom has a Blue TS2 SA Custom with a price of $2,700.00 but little information is provided on this model such as any hand fitting etc.  So as a way of finding out more information on these SAO pistols I thought I would ask here.  Thanks again.

Rick H.
Title: Re: Decisions On "Best To Buy"
Post by: RSR on February 16, 2024, 04:30:13 AM
Thanks for the replies, but I already handload my own ammunition for about 15 different calibers including 9mm.  I currently run 231 powder with Hornady Hap 115 grain bullets and it is a very accurate load out of all my 9mm pistols including my Shadow 2 Blue and my Shadow 2 Compact.  I also load heavier stuff when I feel a need for them, so it isn't a fact of needing custom loads for my pistols, I already have that taken care of.

I was more or less interested in finding out information for a SAO CZ target pistol with slightly longer sight radius for bullseye use and other fun stuff.  Unfortunately for me CZ has decided to terminate the Orange and Green models, but recently re-introed the Orange SA with a bull barrel.  I haven't read much about the accuracy potential with the new bull barrel model.  CZ Custom has a Blue TS2 SA Custom with a price of $2,700.00 but little information is provided on this model such as any hand fitting etc.  So as a way of finding out more information on these SAO pistols I thought I would ask here.  Thanks again.

Rick H.

Older models are more proven and usually have a decent supply of aftermarket parts already.  New models conceptually should have longer current production legs, but since the Colt merger, it seems to be swim or sink with profits first -- more of a Sig business model, where parts may or may not stay available long term.  I'd look to see what's currently available in the way of spare parts and support for older models outside of CZ, and if happy with what I find, then that's the route I'd go at this juncture...  YMMV.
Title: Re: Decisions On "Best To Buy"
Post by: newageroman on February 19, 2024, 10:42:35 PM
Mostly I would have no problem buying an obelete model. But if you are spending that much I would get something more modern. If you have a safety model just start with and SAO conversion and see how you like it. On the CZ-75s you can also have a bull barrel slide fitted to a lower. Bull barrels do shoot better.
Title: Re: Decisions On "Best To Buy"
Post by: Motorcop on February 29, 2024, 08:25:56 AM
To close this out, I bought a "new" old stock CZ Tactical Sport Orange instead of the newer bull barrel Tactical Sport Orange 2.  It was expensive, but not as much as the new bull barrel Orange.  Hopefully it will shoot a bit better than what I currently have and perhaps down the road I will buy a "new" TSO bull barrel to compare against it.  I don't normally shoot a bunch of ammunition thru my pistols at one sitting at the range, so I am not worried about barrel life expectancy, but I do like an accurate handgun for paper punching.  If it hangs with or does better than my old S&W Model 52's at 25 yards I am ahead of the game and will be happy.  Who knows, maybe I'll end up buying a CZC 75 Bullseye pistol at some point just to try that one out too.  Thanks for the replies on this.

Rick H.