The Original CZ Forum
GENERAL => A Day at the Range! => Topic started by: M1A4ME on June 20, 2024, 01:45:25 PM
Shot two M&P striker guns and my wife shot her Equalizer (internal hammer gun that looks like a striker fired gun).
I had just bought a stripped M&P 2.0 Compact frame and built it up for an orphaned 2.0 5" 9MM FDE slide I had in a box. Function, with Win. 124 grain FMJ NATO 9MM ammo was 100%. That ammo is a bit "hotter" than a lot of 9MM ammo and you can feel the difference if you've been shooting regular FMJ Remington, Blazer, Winchester, etc. But it shoots pretty good in the M&Ps, so I buy it when I see it at a good price. The big M&Ps I have don't like my CZ 9MM load at all (115 grain PD hollow point with Blue Dot powder.) The Shields do alright it with it though.
Just shot a couple 5 round groups at 5 yds., a 5 round group at 10 yds. and a 5 round group at 15 yds. Funny, the 15 yd. group was as good, if not a tiny bit better, than the 10 yd. group.
Then I went to some 124 grain hollow points loaded with Win 572 powder that shot pretty good in the 1.0 9MM 5" PC pistol on the last range trip. First five were fine. Second five reminded me why I should be using the 2.0 5" (with Apex Tactical barrel) to set up the overall length for my M&P 9MM loads. First round of the second 5 stuck so hard before the slide was in battery that I was about to just bring it home to push the round out. I finally got it to break loose by jamming the edge of the ejection port on the metal front edge of the bench and smacking the back of the grip. Tried it on the wood edge and just cut divots out of the wood. Took about 3 wacks on the metal bench frame to knock it loose. At that point I gave it up and put it away in favor of lettng my wife shoot some.
She had issues. One stove pipe ejection jam. The slide had the next round lined up and started in the chamber but the empty was keeping it from going all the way forward. First time I've seen that. That pretty well started a downhill run. She got hurried and wouldn't stop to take a break. Then she got wobbly and still wouldn't lay it down and rest her arms/get her breathing straight and started jerking the trigger when the dot floated by the target center. Jerked several rounds clean out of the orange circles of the targets She started out with the first round (Blazer 124 grain FMJ) right in the white circle in the middle of the target. She shot three magazines, laid it down and told me she was finished. Last time she did so good with me not looking over her shoulder and coaching her so I figured we'd do it again this time. Oh well.
Next up I sighted in the latest Shield Plus creation. I bought one of those really cheap ($299 on sale to be reduced another $50 I hope by that S&W rebate) Shield Plus pistols in .30 Super Carry. When I picked the pistol up I brought it home, removed the .30 Super Carry top end and installed a Shield 2.0 PC 4" slide I'd built up last year. It was OR so it has a Holosun on it. First 5 at five yards had me wondering. Then it (an maybe me, too) settled down and shot some pretty decent 4 out of 5 round groups with it. This was with the same Precision Delta 115 grain hollow points that shoot so well in my CZ pistols. I got it sighted in with the hollow points and then shot one group with the Blazer FMJ that wasn't bad but no where near as good as the PD hollow points and called it quits. My wife didn't want to shoot anymore so we picked up and came home.
Couple of targets.
Well, I guess not imgur is not cooperating, again. Says it's over capacity. Try later. Sorry.
I enjoyed reading your report, even though some of the range visit events didn't go as planned. I'm rained out here in Central Texas and burned out in Ruidoso, so it is good to get to read other folks range reports, even if they didn't go 100% well.
I also find it interesting that you can mix and match the pistol assemblies so easily.
So, be safe, and get back to the range as soon as you have something else to try!
My next range trip will be to test out another video camera body with an internal cooling fan. I've had it babying one camera just to keep it from shutting down before I finish at the 100 yard range. Internal fan works great in the other camera, will probably duplicate that body over the weekend and be done with it.
Joe L
Joe, the M&Ps can be great and they can be frustrating. So many contradictions.
Feels/fits so good in my hand (especially the full sized guns) and yet need aftermarket parts most of the time in order to shoot groups that put a smile on my face.
The little ones, like the Shields shoot so well right out of the box and it seems a contradiction that the full sized guns don't do as well "right out of the box."
Some parts as so easy to get while S&W doesn't sell some parts (who knows why). When I built up the 4" Shield slides the only barrels available were aftermarket barrels. Still that way as far as I know. Same for the 5" .40 slide. No factory barrels available. Recoil spring assemblies for the 4" Shield slides were a factory only thing and I got two of them by calling S&W customer service (nice folks to talk to/deal with though.)
Lots of new stuff all the time, too. New designs, new calibers - not all of them take off like they'd like, that's for sure.
I'm, mostly, carrying a Shield Plus 4" these days. Uses the same magazines as my wife's Equalizer so we have commonality of ammo/mags when we're out together. Still carrying the P07 .40 when I'm out by myself. Not sure any of the M&Ps shoot like the P07 for me.
Somewhat interesting discussion on the M&P forum about pistols and accuracy that I've struggled with finding the right way to make my points. I might get there or I might just keep showing targets.
I've got a eye doctor appt. middle of next month. I will not be ordering more progressive lenses. I'm tired of staning there twisting my head every which way trying to get the dot or the front sight nice and clear (more practice might clear that up but lighting changes affect seeing the front sight, too.)
I need to see if imgur will work for me this morning and get a couple pictures. Those little Shields are impressive, to me anyway.
Five yard 5 shot group with Winchester 124 grain FMJ NATO. Best shooting stuff I've found for the 2.0 5" 9MM.
Same pistol/ammo at 15 yds.
And the star of the trip, the "new" 4" Shield Plus with the Precision Delta 115 grain hollow points sitting on top of Blue Dot powder.
These days, with my eyes/glasses and inability to hold tight/steady targets like this one make me feel really good.
These days, with my eyes/glasses and inability to hold tight/steady targets like this one make me feel really good.
Old guys with old eyes... I'm right there with you ! O0
These days, with my eyes/glasses and inability to hold tight/steady targets like this one make me feel really good.
Old guys with old eyes... I'm right there with you ! O0
I ended up having my shooting glasses inserts set up like this: dominant eye lens set for the distance to the front sight and my non dominant lens set for distance. Works well for me in my shooting games ( IDPA, USPSA, icore) , and it didn’t take much adjustment time.
I ended up having my shooting glasses inserts set up like this: dominant eye lens set for the distance to the front sight and my non dominant lens set for distance. Works well for me in my shooting games ( IDPA, USPSA, icore) , and it didn’t take much adjustment time.
I have one pair set up like that, except I failed to set the non-dominant eye to distance. My prescription has changed some since I had those made up, but I still have to use them with irons when I am shooting someone else's gun. Usually to show a new gun owner that there is nothing wrong with his gun, he just needs to stop jerking the trigger!
I ended up having my shooting glasses inserts set up like this: dominant eye lens set for the distance to the front sight and my non dominant lens set for distance. Works well for me in my shooting games ( IDPA, USPSA, icore) , and it didn’t take much adjustment time.
I have one pair set up like that, except I failed to set the non-dominant eye to distance. My prescription has changed some since I had those made up, but I still have to use them with irons when I am shooting someone else's gun. Usually to show a new gun owner that there is nothing wrong with his gun, he just needs to stop jerking the trigger!
Joe, does that make you more popular with new shooters? Or less? Sorry, I laughed out loud when I read it. Sometimes it's tough to get through to some people. Sometimes, even when you do get through to them, they don't appreciate it for awhile.
I'm so popular now, if I was any more so, I'd have to be on TV or something. :)
More like, "Wait a minute--here comes the range officer! I've got to go, you all have fun! Do whatever that guy says! Bye"
Joe L