The Original CZ Forum

CZ PISTOL CLUBS => CZ CLONE CLUB => Topic started by: skucera on January 17, 2025, 08:38:55 PM

Title: New SAR 2000 in stainless
Post by: skucera on January 17, 2025, 08:38:55 PM
Well, I finally bought my first CZ 75 clone, a SAR 2000 in stainless steel.  I've been fondling it on the living room couch while my wife cooks dinner.  Clearly, I'm in the dreamy honeymoon stage of new pistol ownership.   ;D

This is my first CZ 75 like pistol too, which is a little odd to think after 30 years of owning various genuine CZ pistols.  This one fits my hand perfectly, like my P10C, and it fits my hand much better than my beloved old CZ 97.  I can hardly wait to take it out to the woods to try it out.

OK, time to dream about some pretty wooden stocks and some tritium night sights.  Oh, I should try out my P10F mags... I have a feeling they aren't compatible.  So, after that little experiment, I have a feeling I'll be hunting for some Mecgar CZ 75/EAA Witness mags.

Title: Re: New SAR 2000 in stainless
Post by: Gunnerdad80 on January 17, 2025, 10:30:30 PM
Congrats on your clone purchase. You shouldn’t be disappointed. is a good spot for tritium sights and has some nice wood grips. Welcome to the clone club.
Title: Re: New SAR 2000 in stainless
Post by: skucera on January 17, 2025, 11:20:51 PM
Thanks for the pointers. :)

Title: Re: New SAR 2000 in stainless
Post by: Gunnerdad80 on January 18, 2025, 12:49:51 PM
Thanks for the pointers. :)


Title: Re: New SAR 2000 in stainless
Post by: DonB88 on January 19, 2025, 01:09:23 PM
I'd like to see some pictures.
Title: Re: New SAR 2000 in stainless
Post by: jwc007 on January 19, 2025, 01:54:03 PM
Congratulations on the acquisition of your new stainless SAR 2000 and may it serve you well!  8)  :)

For Magazines, I rather doubt that P10 Magazines are compatible.

Mec-Gar Tanfoglio Defiant/Witness Magazines should be directly compatible.

Mec-Gar Cz75B 17 and 19 round Magazines should also work, but the 16 round standard magazines may come up a bit too short to fully seat.
I regularly use the Mec-Gar Cz75B 17 and 19 rounders in my SAR B6P and K2P/Cm9 G1.

Also, as has been previously mentioned, it would be nice to see it.

( (
Title: Re: New SAR 2000 in stainless
Post by: skucera on January 19, 2025, 02:47:31 PM
Thanks for confirming the mag compatibility.  Out of curiosity I did try a new 17-round mag out of a CZ 75B in the SAR 2000 and it locked right in.  Thanks for the warning about the older 16-round mag.  I saw a few other warnings about that 16-rounder in YouTube videos too.

I haven't tried my P10F mags yet because I've mislaid them in the house somewhere.  Oops.  They'll turn up.

I've also been looking for tritium night sights on-line, and they're looking elusive.  I think I may have to try a cheap set of EAA Witness non-illuminated sights to see if that pattern of dovetail fits before I pop for something more expensive.

I've also been looking for grips, but not a lot of brands mention compatibility with SAR 2000 or SAR P9S.  I found a cheap set of Chinese machined plastic grips for EAA Witness, so if that isn't a size match then I'm not out much money.  They should arrive next week.  If they work, then I will have a slightly larger pool of potential grips.  I'd like to find some smooth wood grips with a narrower profile and a bright, contrasty wood, something rich and elegant looking.

After several years without buying new pistols, it's fun to get something new. :D

Thanks everyone,
Title: Re: New SAR 2000 in stainless
Post by: bubbas4570 on February 09, 2025, 07:34:49 AM
The only place that I have found for night sights for the SAR is at Night mentioned previously.  And I have looked extensively.

I have even put out requests (with a full set of SAR factory sights sent in for measurement) from other  sight manufacturers, and received a polite no from them.
Title: Re: New SAR 2000 in stainless
Post by: skucera on March 16, 2025, 07:11:46 PM
I should report back that the cheap Chinese machined grips almost fit.  They're just a little too thick, protruding into the space occupied by the mag, so the mag can't be inserted or withdrawn while the grips are tightened down.  I need to sand the back face of the grip panels to make some more clearance, and that won't take much effort.  So little effort in fact, that I keep forgetting to go buy some sandpaper to do it.  I'll get around to it one of these days, but in the meanwhile the OEM rubber grips are really comfortable, so there just hasn't been much motivation to do it.

I'm also waiting for my favorite shooting spot to have the snow melt off of it so I can go shooting again.  That's the only real drawback of shooting in the woods instead of at indoor shooting ranges.

Title: Re: New SAR 2000 in stainless
Post by: dwcopple on March 19, 2025, 06:16:20 PM
$305 shipped for 2000ST @ PSA today!

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Title: Re: New SAR 2000 in stainless
Post by: jwc007 on March 20, 2025, 03:03:14 PM
$305 shipped for 2000ST @ PSA today!

[Mods added missing link]

Very sweet deal!  8)  And tempting!  ;)