The Original CZ Forum

GENERAL => Ammunition, questions, and handloading techniques => Topic started by: Hamilton99 on March 12, 2025, 01:47:33 PM

Title: Most accurate bullet for SP01
Post by: Hamilton99 on March 12, 2025, 01:47:33 PM
Hello, I found most accurate bullet for my CZ SP01.
Lee 124gr TC, powder coated
OAL 27.15
3.40gr of Titegroup
Distance 25m
3 shots from rest  :D
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Have a good day 8)
Title: Re: Most accurate bullet for SP01
Post by: Tanners Owner on March 12, 2025, 08:10:49 PM
Thanks for sharing- looks good

Q- what velocity are your loads producing?
Title: Re: Most accurate bullet for SP01
Post by: Hamilton99 on March 13, 2025, 03:10:33 AM
I don`t currently have a chrono but QuickLoad and Gordon Reloading Tool (free application from a German developer, unfortunately he died but the program is still developed by enthusiasts) shows me velocity about 302-308m/s, about 1000ft/s for Americans  8). Recoil is mild, I have 9lb recoil spring and 10lb hammer spring. That ammunition is intended for the 25m competition and after few tests I can say, that he works great in rifled barells, from my polygonal USP and USP Expert spread of holes is much larger, about 3inch from 25m - maybe .357/.358 sizing will be better?

I just need to find some alternatives to Titegroup powder because I expect that the recent political turmoil will affect the price of this powder in Poland and all of Europe. Interesting fact - only 1lb  packages are available in Poland  :-\

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Title: Re: Most accurate bullet for SP01
Post by: Tanners Owner on March 13, 2025, 09:36:48 AM
Appreciate the feedback.  If you ever get the chance to chrono it, please update us
Title: Re: Most accurate bullet for SP01
Post by: Wobbly on March 13, 2025, 11:08:10 AM
Hello, I found most accurate bullet for my CZ SP01.

...of those bullets and powders you tested. Still pretty dang accurate for 82ft.

Here's 4.4gr of N330 under a 124gr FMJ made by Zero at 15yds (45ft)...


The black portion of the bull is 2.30 inches.
Title: Re: Most accurate bullet for SP01
Post by: M1A4ME on March 14, 2025, 07:11:49 AM
Guns are funny beasts.  What shoots great in one won't shoot very well in another.

I just got an M&P 2.0 9MM, 4&1/4" barrel and the PC (Performance Center) model.  I went to the range yesterday and shot some ammo I was hoping would group well in it.  Those reloads turned my 1.0 9MM 5" PC gun into a pretty nice group shooting pistol.  Kept me from opening the safe door and setting it on a shelf.  Darn.  Winchester 115 grain FMJ (the white box stuff) is close, if not slightly better shooting in the new pistol than my reloads.  That gun "likes" something else.

When you get a good load, don't stop.  Keep experimenting with bullets, powder, etc. and find back ups for your good shooting load so you'll be ready when your favorite powder or bullet isn't available.
Title: Re: Most accurate bullet for SP01
Post by: m1a_scoutguy on March 16, 2025, 10:49:19 PM
I have never really found any quality commercial bullet that didn't shoot well out of any of my CZ or any pistols for that matter. I don't buy them anymore just because I can find other bullets that shoot very well and are less $$$, but my favorite is the Xtreame 135
It's .356 and everything from my Shadow 2 to my P-07, Glock, Staccato they just shot great. I would say give them a try and see how you like em. It's been so long since I have bought any, they haven't gone up in price as much as I thought, so I may try them again.
Title: Re: Most accurate bullet for SP01
Post by: Hamilton99 on March 17, 2025, 02:47:49 AM
I have already tested many bullets and many combinations with powders and the best effects in CZ pistols are obtained on RG bullets 115gr FP on rs12 powder - the same set works perfectly in the barrels of my HK- USP9 and Expert. CMJ bullets work well in CZ but in HK there are “flies” on white. Powder coated bullets from 125gr to 154gr work well in HK only to 850fps but in CZ they are good at any speed…true magic…