The Original CZ Forum

GENERAL => CZ Gunsmithing => Topic started by: Eargesplitten on March 12, 2025, 10:25:13 PM

Title: Magazine not dropping free *without* magazine brake
Post by: Eargesplitten on March 12, 2025, 10:25:13 PM
I'm working on making my pre-b/transitional model competition ready. It's out for an optic cut, and I'm trying to make the magazines drop free. I've been having problems with it and I assumed it was because of the magazine brake. I bent the heck out of it, magazines still aren't dropping free. I removed the magazine brake completely, and magazines still aren't dropping free. A wide variety of magazines go in just fine so I don't think it's an early enough model to have the magazine compatibility issues. Is there anything else that could be causing it to pull free but not drop free? If I pull just a couple mm it drops free afterwards.

I'm wondering if I might need to clean my magazine release but would that really make a difference?
Title: Re: Magazine not dropping free *without* magazine brake
Post by: SoCal on March 13, 2025, 08:34:52 AM
Early CZ's use a slightly different magazine, the differences are tiny but this could be the difference if you are using Mec-Gar magazines.  You can do a search here and on u-tube for more complete info. 
Title: Re: Magazine not dropping free *without* magazine brake
Post by: Skookum on March 13, 2025, 09:47:14 AM
My mags drop free from all of my CZs. All I did was: 1) degrease them, inside and out, with 99% isopropanol, and 2) "polish" them, inside and out, with car wax. Grease and oil attract dirt; car wax repels dirt and gives a durable, slick finish.
Title: Re: Magazine not dropping free *without* magazine brake
Post by: Wobbly on March 13, 2025, 11:05:28 AM
I'm wondering if I might need to clean my magazine release, but would that really make a difference?

It certainly can't hurt.
Title: Re: Magazine not dropping free *without* magazine brake
Post by: Stanseven on March 13, 2025, 05:48:19 PM
My mags drop free from all of my CZs. All I did was: 1) degrease them, inside and out, with 99% isopropanol, and 2) "polish" them, inside and out, with car wax. Grease and oil attract dirt; car wax repels dirt and gives a durable, slick finish.

Excellent idea.  I’m going to do that tomorrow.  I cringe when I see/hear advice about using lubricants on mags.
Title: Re: Magazine not dropping free *without* magazine brake
Post by: Eargesplitten on March 13, 2025, 07:50:24 PM
I'm wondering if I might need to clean my magazine release, but would that really make a difference?

I certainly can't hurt.

Turns out that yes, that fixed it.