The Original CZ Forum

CZ PISTOL CLUBS => CZF KADET KLUB => Topic started by: DenStinett on June 29, 2009, 08:43:36 PM

Title: Kadet Magazine loader-The complete UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is posted here
Post by: DenStinett on June 29, 2009, 08:43:36 PM
The UpLula-K
By: Den S

The following is a Pic-tutorial, where I will attempt to show how the UpLULA-KADET modification  ( The UpLula-K ) is done
This Mod will allow the UpLULA Magazine Loader to load most any Mag, .22 thru .45, Single and Double Stacked
If you have any questions, feel free to call my cell: 949-254-5812
Or, if after viewing this tutorial, you'd rather have me mod it for you, check-out my ad here:
Or e-mail me at:

First-off, take a look at that the loading "BEAK" of your UpLULA. You'll see it has three areas; a trough, bordered on both sides by a ridge. If you compare the two, you'll notice that the trough (measuring approx .22) lines up, in most cases, with the KADET magazine follower. I have noticed lately, that there are no two beaks alike. One may have more material on the left and the next, on the right. Compare your beak to the follower and make a mental note of the amount of material that needs to be removed from each side. In most cases, I simply take off the entire ridge on each side:

The UpLULA-Kadet mod is started by first popping the two halves of the loader apart. (Two old credit cards work great for this). Slide the CC's in-between the moving halves on both sides:

Now the halves should unfold apart, giving you the room you'll need to do your work:
Title: UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial, Page 2
Post by: DenStinett on June 29, 2009, 08:52:54 PM
Your cut lines are the edge of the ridge, on both sides of the trough. The right ridge cut line:

Left ridge cut line:

You'll need to cut both ridges, up, as far as you can to the bend, to accommodate the feed lips, on all the different magazines you may choose to load:
Title: UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial Page 3
Post by: DenStinett on June 29, 2009, 08:56:31 PM
Using a Dremel with a cut-off wheel, (DieGrinder or a file and lots of time) cut the beak along the cut line on both sides of its center trough, leaving as much of the trough you can. Cut slow and carefully, trying to cut only the ridge:

Now you should have two small points to remove with your abrasive point:
Title: UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial Page 4
Post by: DenStinett on June 29, 2009, 09:03:59 PM
Then use your abrasive point to radius the inside corners and smooth the cut edges:

Also use your abrasive point to bevel the underside and round off the tip of the loading beak:
Title: UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial Page 5
Post by: DenStinett on June 29, 2009, 09:11:21 PM
Then, polish the trough and edges, making everything as smooth and shinny as possible:
Title: UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial Page 6
Post by: DenStinett on June 29, 2009, 09:16:32 PM
Apply a few applications of cold bluing ( Optional ):

Remove all excess powder and debris. Snap the two halves back together:

Now you have your UpLula-K, and you're ready to load your magazine(s):
Title: UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial Page 7
Post by: DenStinett on June 29, 2009, 09:28:16 PM
Now you can load ALL your magazines as usual:

Remember, if you have any questions, feel free to call my cell: 949-254-5812
If anyone wants an MS Word.doc copy of this tutorial, please e-mail me at:  and I'll e-mail you a copy, ASAP

If you would like to buy a pre-modded UpLula-K, here's the link to my ad:

Shoot safe, Den S
Title: UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial Page 8
Post by: DenStinett on June 29, 2009, 09:33:36 PM
I also engrave the Top Strap and the sides to make identification a snap:

That's it. I hope this tutorial helps you with your mod.

I also have this tutorial saved as an MS Word doc. If you would like a copy, please e-mail me at:   and I'll e-mail a copy to you ASAP

Remember, if you have any questions or need help with your UpLula-K mod, feel free to call my cell: 949-254-5812

If you would like ME to modify YOUR Loader, here's another link to my ad: (

Shoot safe all, Den S
Title: Re: UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is on the air (It's really posted here)
Post by: pitbull on June 29, 2009, 10:25:28 PM

It's a very professinal tutorial. Everything turned out perfect. Nice job.
Title: Re: UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is on the air (It's really posted here)
Post by: DenStinett on June 29, 2009, 10:34:49 PM
Thanks for the kind works and most of all, the inspiration to get it posted
Also, the Pic-Tutorial for the HKS-940-K is up and running. Here's the link to it: (
Thanks again
Shoot safe, Den S
Title: Re: UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is on the air (It's really posted here)
Post by: jeffesonm on July 02, 2009, 11:15:28 AM
Great tutorial... thanks for posting.
Title: Re: UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is on the air (It's really posted here)
Post by: ace73 on July 03, 2009, 04:59:18 AM
thanks den!!! very helpful!
Title: Re: Kadet Magazine loader-The UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is posted here
Post by: DenStinett on September 25, 2009, 08:34:21 PM
Thank you for all the great responses to my tutorial(s)
I was hoping they would help a few of us with the loader mods
Shoot safe all, Den S
Title: Re: Kadet Magazine loader-The UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is posted here
Post by: DenStinett on January 15, 2011, 12:02:39 AM
I have been getting quite a few inquiries on the "K" mods, so I think it?s time to refresh the tutorial
REMEMBER, if you have any questions, feel free to e-mail me at:
Or my cell No. is:
Shoot safe all, Den S
Title: Re: Kadet Magazine loader-The UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is posted here
Post by: ace73 on January 18, 2011, 05:05:12 PM
for anyone wanting to try it yourself, this tutorial is right on
the money! i modded mine in july and have used it during
every range trip so far with no problems.
and if you don't want to diy....i highly recommend buying
from Den.....i've read many positive feedbacks!!
Title: Re: Kadet Magazine loader-The UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is posted here
Post by: DenStinett on January 18, 2011, 06:50:26 PM
You're too kind my friend
Please keep me informed if you start seeing even the slightest deflection in the beak
I've got well over 5,000 rounds through my UpLula-K
Both .22lr and CF rounds...and still no change in the beak angle

Did you see that I am cutting both sides back to the bend now?
The UpLula-K 2.0
The Sig .22lr Conversion magazines require even more clearance than the Kadet
I want my mods to be the last mag loader you'll ever need and with the Sig mags being a bit different, I had to make the change
Thanks again
Shoot safe, Den S
Title: Re: Kadet Magazine loader-The UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is posted here
Post by: mokoyombi on February 03, 2011, 09:01:27 PM
After checking out the tutorial I contacted Den about modifying my standard UpLula to use it on my CZ kadet & Advantage Arms .22lr conversion kits. Today I got it back with my initials engraved as a bonus (nice detail from him) and works flawlessly. Thanks for your service, highly recommended!! 
Title: Re: Kadet Magazine loader-The UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is posted here
Post by: Utlagi on February 03, 2011, 09:56:50 PM
Today I got it back with my initials engraved as a bonus (nice detail from him) and works flawlessly. Thanks for your service, highly recommended!! 

I second all of this.

It was cool to get my initials on the mag loader, and unexpected. It works great and I go through rounds twice as fast with it. The loader does not help me with the extremely thin Ruger .22LR mags that are popular at my range, but it wasn't billed as such. It does work amazing with everything else, and is super easy to use.
Title: Re: Kadet Magazine loader-The UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is posted here
Post by: DenStinett on April 20, 2011, 10:46:50 PM
It's been some time since this thread has seen page one
With all the interest in magazine loaders lately, I figure it?s time to give this one a bump too
Shoot safe all, Den S
Title: Re: Kadet Magazine loader-The UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is posted here
Post by: hambone on September 12, 2011, 05:42:37 PM
Just a thank you to Dennis...  I received my UpLula-K today in the mail (Pete from MN).  Looks and works great.   Thank you.  Btw, the engraving is great...helps me distinguish, at a glance, which is the 22 vs 9mm. 

Title: Re: Kadet Magazine loader-The UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is posted here
Post by: DenStinett on September 13, 2011, 02:56:29 AM
No, thank you
Glad to hear your loader is all you hoped for
Thanks again
Shoot safe, Den S
Title: Re: Kadet Magazine loader-The UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is posted here
Post by: lotsagas4u on September 18, 2011, 01:41:11 PM
Very nicely done, I just called and ordered one of these, and I don't own a kadet as of yet. ::)
Title: Re: Kadet Magazine loader-The UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is posted here
Post by: DenStinett on September 18, 2011, 02:04:33 PM
Great talking with you
Thanks again for your order
Shoot safe, Den S
Title: Re: Kadet Magazine loader-The UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is posted here
Post by: DenStinett on December 09, 2011, 12:18:56 AM
Been seeing more questions about the "K"(Kadet) mods
Figured it's time to refresh both Tutorials again
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all
Be safe, Shoot safe, Den S
Title: Re: Kadet Magazine loader-The UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is posted here
Post by: id64 on January 20, 2012, 04:47:14 PM
Great info and tutorial. Done mine yesterday. Kadet will see much more action after this indeed!

Title: Re: Kadet Magazine loader-The UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is posted here
Post by: DenStinett on January 20, 2012, 06:45:34 PM
Thank you for the kind words
You do nice work
GREAT picture too....
Be safe, Shoot safe, Den S
Title: Re: Kadet Magazine loader-The UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is posted here
Post by: avigar on February 14, 2012, 11:25:39 PM
Just modified my Uplula following your instructions. Instead of using a dremel, I did it using a 12" file. It wasn't too bad and took only about 10 minutes. Thank you!
Title: Re: Kadet Magazine loader-The UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is posted here
Post by: DenStinett on February 14, 2012, 11:33:16 PM
Just modified my Uplula following your instructions. Instead of using a dremel, I did it using a 12" file. It wasn't too bad and took only about 10 minutes. Thank you!
Knowing how hard the steel is, 10 mins?
That's some fast file you got there
My hands are hurting just thinking about it
Title: Re: Kadet Magazine loader-The UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is posted here
Post by: avigar on February 14, 2012, 11:41:23 PM
The file is about 1" wide. As you mentioned in a previous post, not all Uplulas are made exactly the same.  Lucky for me, there wasn't too much to file away.  ;D
Title: Re: Kadet Magazine loader-The UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is posted here
Post by: DenStinett on February 14, 2012, 11:58:26 PM
As you mentioned in a previous post, not all Uplulas are made exactly the same.  Lucky for me, there wasn't too much to file away.  ;D
How odd is that ?
With well over two hundred loaders modded, I've found something like three different shaped Beaks
Usually the Israelis are a bit more spec oriented
Most of their stuff have very high tolerances
Cool that you could do yours with a file
Takes me about five minutes to cut both sides with my Dremel
It takes longer to polish off the old Parkerized finish
Title: Re: Kadet Magazine loader-The UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is posted here
Post by: Shadow T on March 27, 2012, 04:13:57 PM

I couldn't load even eight rounds into my Kadet magazines by hand. After doing your modifications to the UpLula, I have no problems loading all ten rounds. And, it still loads all my 9mm and 45 acp mags as well.

How about you doing a mod to make double stacked Kadet mags getting maybe 16-18 rounds in each? If that's even a possibility.

Shadow T 
Title: Re: Kadet Magazine loader-The UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is posted here
Post by: DenStinett on March 28, 2012, 01:12:12 AM
Thank you for your king words ST
As for modding a HiCap Kadet mag....
I've seen some of the mods out there for this, and No Thank You
I just bought a couple more mags and use my UpLula-K
Thanks again
Be safe, Shoot safe, Den S
Title: Re: Kadet Magazine loader-The UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is posted here
Post by: miataeric1 on September 21, 2012, 08:18:48 PM

I couldn't load even eight rounds into my Kadet magazines by hand. After doing your modifications to the UpLula, I have no problems loading all ten rounds. And, it still loads all my 9mm and 45 acp mags as well.

How about you doing a mod to make double stacked Kadet mags getting maybe 16-18 rounds in each? If that's even a possibility.

Shadow T

So after modding a regular UpLula to load the Kadet mags, it is still functional for the other calibers as well? I have an UpLula already and just wondering if I can massage that to work with all 3 calibers I use or if I should just pick up a second one?
Title: Re: Kadet Magazine loader-The UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is posted here
Post by: DenStinett on September 21, 2012, 08:52:02 PM
So after modding a regular UpLula to load the Kadet mags, it is still functional for the other calibers as well? I have an UpLula already and just wondering if I can massage that to work with all 3 calibers I use or if I should just pick up a second one?
YES, after you do the Mod, your new UpLula-K will load the 22 Mags along with all the other Magazines the Standard UpLULA would, plus a lot more
.22lr thru .45acp, single and double stack
Title: Re: Kadet Magazine loader-The UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is posted here
Post by: miataeric1 on September 21, 2012, 11:14:11 PM
So after modding a regular UpLula to load the Kadet mags, it is still functional for the other calibers as well? I have an UpLula already and just wondering if I can massage that to work with all 3 calibers I use or if I should just pick up a second one?
YES, after you do the Mod, your new UpLula-K will load the 22 Mags along with all the other Magazines the Standard UpLULA would, plus a lot more
.22lr thru .45acp, single and double stack

That's awesome. I think I may attempt the mod first then, and if I screw it up then I'll go from there. Thanks Den!
Title: Re: Kadet Magazine loader-The UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is posted here
Post by: DenStinett on September 21, 2012, 11:26:37 PM
That's awesome. I think I may attempt the mod first then, and if I screw it up then I'll go from there. Thanks Den!
Cool, let me know how it comes out
Title: Re: Kadet Magazine loader-The UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is posted here
Post by: miataeric1 on September 21, 2012, 11:27:33 PM
Will do!
Title: Re: Kadet Magazine loader-The UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is posted here
Post by: miataeric1 on September 22, 2012, 04:09:31 PM
Well I modified my UpLula today and it worked pretty good. I need to slim down the tongue a little more as it was catching a little lips of a couple mags, but nothing that twisting it a little bit didn't solve. I shot 540 rounds through my KK today and there's NO way I'd have done that without this mod. Thanks Den, for the awesome write up. My thumbs salute you, sir!  ;D
Title: Re: Kadet Magazine loader-The UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is posted here
Post by: DenStinett on September 22, 2012, 05:57:07 PM
Happy to be of service
Glad the Mod and the Tutorial is working
Be safe, Den S
Title: Re: Kadet Magazine loader-The UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is posted here
Post by: JazzDoc on October 27, 2012, 09:37:18 PM
I need to give a shout out to Dennis Stinett at - I bought two of the UpLula loaders which he converted to work on the (larger) .22LR mags, and which he also engraved for me (!) and they are just TERRIFIC. My .22LR Kimber and Sig P226 .22LR conversion mags are smiling!
Fair pricing and rapid shipping. Two thumbs up!    8)

Uninstalling Obama.........
???????????????? 90% complete.

Title: Re: Kadet Magazine loader-The UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is posted here
Post by: DenStinett on October 27, 2012, 11:00:52 PM
I need to give a shout out to Dennis Stinett at - I bought two of the UpLula loaders which he converted to work on the (larger) .22LR mags, and which he also engraved for me (!) and they are just TERRIFIC. My .22LR Kimber and Sig P226 .22LR conversion mags are smiling!
Mark, you are very welcome
Oh, Welcome to our little Forum
Read a few of the Threads here, and you may find yourself getting interested in a CZ (or two)
If you like your SIG 22 Conversion, you are sure to LOVE a Kadet
Be safe, Den S
Title: Re: Kadet Magazine loader-The UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is posted here
Post by: PhilipJ on October 29, 2012, 06:55:14 AM
Another shout-out to Den. I got the loader in warp time, and it works really well! There was initially a little bit of rough edge on the underside of the beak that could scrape lead off the bullet if the technique is not perfect. This doesn't affect the functionality at all and most people probably wouldn't have noticed. I took care of the edge with a file in 5 minutes, and told Den about it as a heads-up. Den apologized and said mine was the first one that got overlooked in the 400 loaders he had modified. And he immediately sent me a strap and carabiner for free as a gift. To be clear, I never thought it as a defect and never expected any form of compensation! The gift just showed how much he cares about his loaders and the .22LR shooting community. I can't possibly ask for better customer service!
Title: Re: Kadet Magazine loader-The UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is posted here
Post by: DenStinett on October 29, 2012, 12:55:10 PM
Thank you for the Feedback Ning
Glad you got it sorted out
Be safe, Den S
Title: Re: Kadet Magazine loader-The UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is posted here
Post by: K3JB on February 26, 2013, 07:22:33 AM
I was out shooting yesterday with my PO-1/Kadet and the gun worked well, the ammo (CCI) was fine
and Den's Magazine loader worked super. The UpLula with Den's modification has made the whole shooting
experience so much easier. Every time I shoot I feel like thanking Den.
Title: Re: Kadet Magazine loader-The UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is posted here
Post by: DenStinett on February 26, 2013, 06:11:31 PM
Every time I shoot I feel like thanking Den.
The whole intention of doing this Mod in the first place was to make OUR Range time more productive and for the most part, more enjoyable
Glad to hear the UpLula-K fits the bill
Thanks again
Be safe, Den S
Title: Re: Kadet Magazine loader-The UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is posted here
Post by: DenStinett on October 24, 2013, 01:24:24 PM
We'll get this one bumped-up too
Title: Re: Kadet Magazine loader-The UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is posted here
Post by: Sundang on January 08, 2014, 05:10:57 PM
Just another thanks to Den for modifying my UpLula.
Very fast turn around time, and excellent workmanship. It looks factory!
The engraving was nice also. Now it's personalized.
I went all out-  Added the red strap and red carabiner.
The UpLula of course is black, and easy to lose. Now it has a red extension. Easy to see,
and I can hook it to my belt loop.
Works great too. Now I can still load .45, 9mm, and .22 to boot!
Thanks Den, nice idea.
Title: Re: Kadet Magazine loader-The UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is posted here
Post by: DenStinett on January 14, 2014, 11:52:50 PM
NO, Thank you George
Glad to hear the Loader is what you expected
Title: Re: Kadet Magazine loader-The UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is posted here
Post by: cuff46 on March 06, 2014, 09:19:47 PM
Dennis...It was nice to me you today and appreciate the mod you did for me on the spot.  I'm sure it will work out fine.  See you when I'm down your way.

Title: Re: Kadet Magazine loader-The UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is posted here
Post by: DenStinett on March 06, 2014, 10:20:51 PM
Great to meet you too Cliff
Enjoy your UpLula-K-Plus
It will serve you well
Thanks again, Den
Title: Re: Kadet Magazine loader-The UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is posted here
Post by: LuckyTimber on March 14, 2014, 05:13:30 PM
I purchased an UpLula - K from DenStinett & it works great for my Kadet mags and also for my CZ-75 and Taurus PT-92 9mm mags.  I do not think I would use my Kadet for steel challenge if I had to load all those Kadet mags unassisted.
Title: Re: Kadet Magazine loader-The UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is posted here
Post by: CZWALLY on October 27, 2015, 07:39:14 PM
I have been using my Upluda for years now that Dennis made for me. It has worked so well I just got off the phone with him and will be ordering a spare!  :)
Title: Re: Kadet Magazine loader-The UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is posted here
Post by: DenStinett on October 27, 2015, 09:29:50 PM
Thanks Walter
It was great talking with you today
We'll get your (second) UpLula-K-Plus on its way to you as soon as the raw Loader arrives and I can get it modded
Title: Re: Kadet Magazine loader-The UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is posted here
Post by: sberres on July 18, 2017, 10:11:26 PM
Dennis, I probably would've had much more reservation about doing the mod to my Uplula given their rather pricey nature for fear of destroying it or rendering it useless for its original intent. Your instructions were clear and concise and reassured me that it would retain its original functionality. It sure makes the loading of the Kadet mags much more practical, pain-free, and faster. Thanks for your crusade to ensure that more Kadet owners are familiar with the Uplula-K mod. Keep up the good work and happy shooting!
Title: Re: Kadet Magazine loader-The UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is posted here
Post by: DenStinett on July 18, 2017, 11:29:54 PM
Dennis, I probably would've had much more reservation about doing the mod to my Uplula given their rather pricey nature for fear of destroying it or rendering it useless
Thank SB
Yeah, I can totally agree with you there
Even more today with what the UpLULA costs now
I wasn't sure just how well my first mod was going to work, and was it really worth cutting on such an expensive Loader
Title: Re: Kadet Magazine loader-The UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is posted here
Post by: double-d on February 11, 2018, 02:48:51 PM
Bumping a old thread (and padding my post count  ;))

I appreciate the credit card takedown tip. 
Though I do not load .22,  I did take the time to polish out the sharp beak leading edge on the three Uplulas I own.  Truly makes for smoother loading of magazines.

Thank you.
Title: Re: Kadet Magazine loader-The UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is posted here
Post by: DenStinett on February 11, 2018, 04:26:29 PM
You bet
Glad it helped
Title: Re: Kadet Magazine loader-The UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is posted here
Post by: pauli62 on March 07, 2019, 02:19:31 PM
Just did it, works great! Thanks Den for the very thourogh instructions.   You really made it clear.
Thanks again.
Title: Re: Kadet Magazine loader-The UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is posted here
Post by: DenStinett on March 07, 2019, 10:34:47 PM
You got it Sir
Glad the Info is still helpful
Title: Re: Kadet Magazine loader-The UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is posted here
Post by: stringdriver on March 23, 2019, 12:13:55 AM
Sent mine to Den, a short wait, later and viola! Works perfectly.
Title: Re: Kadet Magazine loader-The complete UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is posted here
Post by: DenStinett on September 01, 2019, 02:35:37 PM
Back to the top with Pictures posted
Title: Re: Kadet Magazine loader-The complete UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is posted here
Post by: joerchi69 on September 16, 2019, 01:40:37 PM
Thanks ! In the club now too. Filling the magazines is very quick and truly recreational now.Going shooting the kadet i have to take more ammo to the range. Leading to more trigger time.


Title: Re: Kadet Magazine loader-The complete UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is posted here
Post by: sberres on September 16, 2019, 02:31:38 PM
Ah, the downside!  Not only does this speed up and ease use of the Kadet mags it also works on the Taurus TX22 ones. Not that they’re so bad to just press in, but the lula further speeds the process. ...and then you need more ammo. Dang it!
Title: Re: Kadet Magazine loader-The complete UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is posted here
Post by: DenStinett on September 17, 2019, 12:42:42 AM
Outstanding Joe !

Yeah, the Loader IS great for that !
I use an UpLula-K on all my .22 Conversion Mags
Colt, CZ, Glock and Witness
So yeah, it makes for A LOT more Ammo being shot
Maybe the Ammo Companies should be paying me a commission on their additional sales ! ! !
Title: Re: Kadet Magazine loader-The complete UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is posted here
Post by: joerchi69 on September 17, 2019, 11:27:12 AM
Hello you two,

where it can lead shortly after rising ammo costs ?
 - see reply No.5 in this thread (
Title: Re: Kadet Magazine loader-The complete UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is posted here
Post by: DenStinett on September 18, 2019, 12:43:37 AM
Hello you two,

where it can lead shortly after rising ammo costs ?
 - see reply No.5 in this thread (

Yeah, AZ has some GREAT posts !
Title: Re: Kadet Magazine loader-The complete UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is posted here
Post by: fhunziker on February 15, 2020, 05:54:31 PM
I’m a new 9mm CZ 75 SP01/Kadett 2 owner. How do I order the Uplula-K including any necessary mods?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Kadet Magazine loader-The complete UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is posted here
Post by: butodw on February 17, 2020, 12:03:06 PM
Mr. Stinett modified my Uplula several years ago.   It’s still working like a Champ!  Great mod!
Title: Re: Kadet Magazine loader-The complete UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is posted here
Post by: DenStinett on February 17, 2020, 09:17:08 PM
Mr. Stinett modified my Uplula several years ago.   It’s still working like a Champ!  Great mod!

Great to hear your Loader is doing its job
No sign of Beak Deflection, I take it ?

JoeL has over 50,000 thousand Rounds thru his, and no sign of am issue
Title: Re: Kadet Magazine loader-The complete UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is posted here
Post by: sberres on February 20, 2020, 10:55:43 PM
Hello you two,

where it can lead shortly after rising ammo costs ?
 - see reply No.5 in this thread (

...if you give a mouse a cookie, he’ll want a glass of milk...
Title: Re: Kadet Magazine loader-The complete UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is posted here
Post by: DenStinett on March 09, 2020, 09:49:12 PM
...if you give a mouse a cookie, he’ll want a glass of milk...

Mmmm .... I like Milk !
Title: Re: Kadet Magazine loader-The complete UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is posted here
Post by: joerchi69 on July 21, 2020, 05:33:44 PM
Ah, the downside!  Not only does this speed up and ease use of the Kadet mags it also works on the Taurus TX22 ones. Not that they’re so bad to just press in, but the lula further speeds the process. ...and then you need more ammo. Dang it!

You are right. Beforethe Den-Lula mod 50 up to 200 thumb strenous rounds. Now 250 to 300 loaded is normal.
My max in a Kadet session: 650 rounds. Thumbs up.

Title: Re: Kadet Magazine loader-The complete UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is posted here
Post by: DenStinett on July 21, 2020, 10:28:47 PM
Thanks Joe
That's why I say:
"Every thumb deserves a good Magazine Loader"
Title: Re: Kadet Magazine loader-The complete UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is posted here
Post by: mountaindude on May 26, 2021, 12:22:27 PM
Is modification still required given Maglula's offering of the 'BabyUpLULA', ( a '.22LR to .380ACP* loader for single-stack pistol mags without a projecting side button'?

Does this not work with Kadet magazines (at least, the original ones with no loading assist buttons)?

Title: Re: Kadet Magazine loader-The complete UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is posted here
Post by: DenStinett on May 27, 2021, 12:41:46 AM
Is modification still required given Maglula's offering of the 'BabyUpLULA', ( a '.22LR to .380ACP* loader for single-stack pistol mags without a projecting side button'?

Does this not work with Kadet magazines (at least, the original ones with no loading assist buttons)?

Hey Mountaindude:
If I understand your question; yes, this mod is for the original (9mm to 45 Double Stack) UpLULA .... NOT the Baby
After doing the Mod, you can load most any (Pistol Type) Magazine .22 thru .45, Single and Double Stack
Yes, it will load all of the KADET Mags, CZ75 SP, P and most any Pistol and some Rifle Stick / Box Magazines that fit into the Loader Body
It has been said (give some patience) it will even load the Ruger Mk(?), Woodsman etc type Mags
The MagLULA BabyUpULA (as you said) is only for (some) Single Stack Mags, but not (most all) 1911 Magazines and other Mags of that size
Yes, the MagLULA 22UpLULA will load the KADET Mags, but it is for Rimfire sized Rounds ONLY
Its "Limiter" WILL NOT allow this Loader to load Centerfire Rounds
Hope that helps
Title: Re: Kadet Magazine loader-The complete UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is posted here
Post by: ViperM on July 19, 2021, 08:22:54 PM
Maglula also sells a loader that works on the Kadet mags.  It has a thinner metal piece like the modded one here.

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Title: Re: Kadet Magazine loader-The complete UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is posted here
Post by: DenStinett on July 20, 2021, 11:02:02 AM
Maglula also sells a loader that works on the Kadet mags.  It has a thinner metal piece like the modded one here.
Yes, the MagLULA 22UpLULA will load the KADET Mags, but it is for Rimfire sized Rounds ONLY
Its "Limiter" WILL NOT allow this Loader to load Centerfire Rounds

MagLULA has offered their 22UpLULA for quite some time now (Dec of 2012)
But as I stated (in the post just before yours) it is for Rimfire Rounds ONLY ! ! !
The point of this Mod, is to take your standard (9mm - 45) UpLULA and modify IT, so that ONE Loader will load most any (Pistol sized) Magazine, Single or Double Stack, (most) any Caliber, .17 (I call it .22) thru .45
One Loader, not two or three
I have always found it funny, that MagLULA poked fun at HKS because you need several of their (HKS) Loaders to load most all of the popular Pistol Magazines one would own
To MagLULA, "Up" basically stood for "Universal Pistol"
Well, that "Up" has turned into three (actually five) different Loaders
Kinda ironic ! ! !
Title: Re: Kadet Magazine loader-The complete UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is posted here
Post by: ViperM on July 20, 2021, 12:14:00 PM
Maglula also sells a loader that works on the Kadet mags.  It has a thinner metal piece like the modded one here.
Yes, the MagLULA 22UpLULA will load the KADET Mags, but it is for Rimfire sized Rounds ONLY
Its "Limiter" WILL NOT allow this Loader to load Centerfire Rounds

MagLULA has offered their 22UpLULA for quite some time now (Dec of 2012)
But as I stated (in the post just before yours) it is for Rimfire Rounds ONLY ! ! !
The point of this Mod, is to take your standard (9mm - 45) UpLULA and modify IT, so that ONE Loader will load most any (Pistol sized) Magazine, Single or Double Stack, (most) any Caliber, .17 (I call it .22) thru .45
One Loader, not two or three
I have always found it funny, that MagLULA poked fun at HKS because you need several of their (HKS) Loaders to load most all of the popular Pistol Magazines one would own
To MagLULA, "Up" basically stood for "Universal Pistol"
Well, that "Up" has turned into three (actually five) different Loaders
Kinda ironic ! ! !
The one I posted will work on any double stack mag and will also work on single stack mags with the adaptor plate.

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Title: Re: Kadet Magazine loader-The complete UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is posted here
Post by: DenStinett on July 20, 2021, 02:21:19 PM
Sir, you have obviously missed the point
The 22UpLULA, is just that .... for RIMFIRE ROUNDS ONLY .... in Single and / or Double Stack Magazines
I never once said it didn't load Single or Double Stack Mags .... EVER ! ! !
The Mod I've post here is to convert a "Standard" 9mm - 45acp UpLULA into a Mag Loader that is (all but) truly "Universal"
i.e. .22 thru .45, Single and Double Stack Magazine
AND, if you add the 1911AI Aligner Insert, or the "adaptor plate" as you call it, it will make loading the Ruger Mk Series, Woodsman and Buckmark Mag possible .... one Loader, not two or three
Trust me, the only people that know more about the MagLULA Line of UpLULA Loaders than I do, is the Tal Family !
I've been modding their Standard (9mm - 45acp) UpLULA to load KADET Magazines since before MagLULA offered their BabyUpLULA, let alone the 22UpLULA
But hey .... thanks for your input .... no matter how misguided
Title: Re: Kadet Magazine loader-The complete UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is posted here
Post by: ViperM on July 20, 2021, 05:49:54 PM
Wow, didn't mean to get your panties in a bunch.  But not everyone has a maglula already. The one I posted would work for people buying one for the first time.  Why buy the original one to modify it if you can buy the new one that is already to go? I lm sorry it doesn't make any sense to you and it went way over your head. 

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Title: Kadet Magazine loader-The complete UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is posted here
Post by: cntrydawwwg on July 20, 2021, 07:56:56 PM
Wow, didn't mean to get your panties in a bunch.  But not everyone has a maglula already. The one I posted would work for people buying one for the first time.  Why buy the original one to modify it if you can buy the new one that is already to go? I lm sorry it doesn't make any sense to you and it went way over your head. 

Sent from my SM-G996U1 using Tapatalk
Viper, Den’s panties aren’t in a bunch.  I think there’s a misunderstanding that you are taking to the next level.     

      He’s trying to get you to see that the one you posted a link to, will only work for .22. Single stack and double stack.
    He’s posted this tutorial for free, …..( He also sells these modified or will modify yours for a small fee)…….
 To show people a way to buy the original to modify to do .22, .380, .9mm, .45 single and double stack mags.
     That’s what he’s trying to get you to understand. That’s why a person would modify the original, instead of the one you posted to[emoji6]
    If all a person has is .22’s then by all means buy a loader that only works for .22. But a lot of us shoot multiple calibers. [emoji6]
Title: Re: Kadet Magazine loader-The complete UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is posted here
Post by: DenStinett on July 20, 2021, 08:34:22 PM
Wow, didn't mean to get your panties in a bunch.  But not everyone has a maglula already. The one I posted would work for people buying one for the first time.  Why buy the original one to modify it if you can buy the new one that is already to go? I lm sorry it doesn't make any sense to you and it went way over your head. 

Sent from my SM-G996U1 using Tapatalk

Sorry, I guess it never dawned on me that you would only own a (complete) KADET and not a CZ75 Variant in 9mm or 40S&W with a KADET Conversion or any Centerfire Semi Auto Pistol for that matter .... or ever consider buying something other than your lone KADET and/or some other 22 Pistol .... kinda sad really !
Yeah, in that case, you would only need the 22UpLULA, since 22s are the ONLY Magazines you will EVER load
If you don't want one that will load .22 thru .45, don't buy and/or mod one !
As for going "way over my head" .... I'll say it again: The only people that know more about the UpLULA Line of MagLULA Loaders than I do, is the Tal Family !
Oh, and fyi, the Tal Family they ARE MagLULA .... would you like Guy Tal's personal e-mail ?
By the way, if you had taken the time to read this entire Thread (prior to your highly informative Post) you would have seen a few things:
1) This is my Thread .... I am the OP and as far as I'm concerned, you are way out of line with 90% of your comments
2) This Thread was posted as a "PSA" for and by request of the DIYers here on the Forum .... OH, did you happen to notice, this Thread has over 700 thousand views ?
3) The 22UpLULA has been discussed several times in the past, and given that, your comments are late, and so, irrelevant
Thanks again for your input

And what's it to you if I happen to like my "panties" in a bunch   :o

Viper, Den’s panties aren’t in a bunch.  I think there’s a misunderstanding that you are taking to the next level.     

      He’s trying to get you to see that the one you posted a link to, will only work for .22. Single stack and double stack.
    He’s posted this tutorial for free, …..( He also sells these modified or will modify yours for a small fee)…….
 To show people a way to buy the original to modify to do .22, .380, .9mm, .45 single and double stack mags.
     That’s what he’s trying to get you to understand. That’s why a person would modify the original, instead of the one you posted to[emoji6]
    If all a person has is .22’s then by all means buy a loader that only works for .22. But a lot of us shoot multiple calibers. [emoji6]
Thanks for that CD   ;)
Title: Re: Kadet Magazine loader-The complete UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is posted here
Post by: cntrydawwwg on July 20, 2021, 09:03:08 PM
Whoops, forgot about .40 S&W!
Title: Re: Kadet Magazine loader-The complete UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is posted here
Post by: ViperM on July 20, 2021, 09:16:51 PM
Wow, didn't mean to get your panties in a bunch.  But not everyone has a maglula already. The one I posted would work for people buying one for the first time.  Why buy the original one to modify it if you can buy the new one that is already to go? I lm sorry it doesn't make any sense to you and it went way over your head. 

Sent from my SM-G996U1 using Tapatalk
Viper, Den’s panties aren’t in a bunch.  I think there’s a misunderstanding that you are taking to the next level.     

      He’s trying to get you to see that the one you posted a link to, will only work for .22. Single stack and double stack.
    He’s posted this tutorial for free, …..( He also sells these modified or will modify yours for a small fee)…….
 To show people a way to buy the original to modify to do .22, .380, .9mm, .45 single and double stack mags.
     That’s what he’s trying to get you to understand. That’s why a person would modify the original, instead of the one you posted to[emoji6]
    If all a person has is .22’s then by all means buy a loader that only works for .22. But a lot of us shoot multiple calibers. [emoji6]
I think I understand now, what I suggested would take away from his business of modding them for people.  I'm sorry Den.

I've been using my 22uplula for loaded all mags including and up to .45 acp.  It works fine and I haven't had any issue.  I just though people would like to know that. 

I also never said that you said it didn't do single nor double stack mags.  You were just so upset at my suggestion that you ASSUMED I accused you of that.

I thought we were here to share information, not try to shut people down for having a different suggestion.

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Title: Re: Kadet Magazine loader-The complete UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is posted here
Post by: Grendel on July 20, 2021, 09:34:52 PM
Knock it off kids, or I'll get out my pruning shears! Thank you!
Title: Re: Kadet Magazine loader-The complete UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is posted here
Post by: DenStinett on July 20, 2021, 09:54:55 PM
I think I understand now, what I suggested would take away from his business of modding them for people.  I'm sorry Den
FYI .... With the cost of Supplies and Postage, I profet less than $1.00 on the mods I do for others

Did you cut off the Tab to allow the Yoke to open enough to accommodated the larger Centerfire Rounds ?
Title: Re: Kadet Magazine loader-The complete UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is posted here
Post by: ViperM on July 20, 2021, 11:11:08 PM
Knock it off kids, or I'll get out my pruning shears! Thank you!

I think I understand now, what I suggested would take away from his business of modding them for people.  I'm sorry Den
FYI .... With the cost of Supplies and Postage, I profet less than $1.00 on the mods I do for others

Did you cut off the Tab to allow the Yoke to open enough to accommodated the larger Centerfire Rounds ?
If you are talking about the gray tab, yes.  That's all I had to cut off to make it work.

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Title: Re: Kadet Magazine loader-The complete UpLula-K Mod Pic-Tutorial is posted here
Post by: DenStinett on July 21, 2021, 07:55:48 PM
If you are talking about the gray tab, yes.  That's all I had to cut off to make it work.

Yeah, that works
I addressed that in another thread sometime back:
I also found, that given the shorter "Beak" on the 22UpLULA, with some Magazine (mainly their shorter Feedlips) and certain longer Ammo; like 10mm, 45acp and 38 super, the previously loaded Round would (sometimes) pivot around the short Beak, past the short Feedlips and flip back at me !
Not always, just on some Mag / Ammo combos I tested

Other than the added money MagLULA makes by selling multiple Loader, it never made sense "WHY" they didn't just take what they already had (their standard 9mm - 45acp UpLULA), put a narrow Beak on it and sell one, true "UP"LULA, and put me out of the game for good !