The Original CZ Forum
CZ LONG ARMS => CZ Center fire Rifles => Topic started by: acmetim on April 30, 2011, 06:54:23 PM
hello. i am wondering if anybody here can help me. i have a 527 carbine in 7.62cal. i want a rear peep sight that fits the rear scope mount. i have found them for the 452's, but none of the manufacturers can tell me if these will fit my 527. anybody know if the rear scope mounts are the same size on the 452's and the 527's?
my current rear sight slides right out with just finger pressure, and thats o.k. because i would prefer the longer sight radius that a rear peep would give me. also i will be able to seat the scope lower to the bore with that big rear sight removed.
any help?
maybe a tang sight?
Welcome to the wonderful world of no rear sights for the 527M. I have the exact same carbine, same caliber, and the only way I was able to replace my fixed rear sight with an adjustable folder was have a local gunsmith cut an angled peice of steel bar stock to fit, and silver solder a Marbles adjustable folder to it.
Now I have been told a company, New England something or other sight makers, are making a peep rear for the 527M, the ONLY outfit that does - nobody else makes a rear sight for the 527M. Good hunting!
Edit, this is the outfit, but they no longer list a peep for the 527M. here is what they DO have, ( click on peep sights, and they have one that attaches to Weaver base. Will that work on the CZ scope mount? No idea - call -1800-955-4482 and press for gunsmith. Mike would know.
527 has a 16mm dovetail whereas the last Brno .22 with that dovetail was the Model 4. I think that your best bet would be to either cut down a rear scope mount and fit a peep sight to it or fit a peep sight to a weaver adaptor. Forward mounts are still universally useable on Model 1, Model 4, Tikka and anything with Lynx proprietary bases.
Well, I DO know a gunsmith was was able to make one work for me. :)
What is the height of the top of your dovetail to the center on the peep sight? Secondly, how tall is the top of the dovetail from the top of the receiver.
I have some ideas (and a machine shop in my garage) ;)
A pic would also be grand.
Drat, can't right now, at work. I'll try to remember in the morning, use the reloading calipers.
No hurry. I'm busy with my regular job right now.