The Original CZ Forum
CZ PISTOL CLUBS => CZ40B/40P => Topic started by: gunzrfunz on October 27, 2006, 02:41:58 PM
I read on another forum several weeks back about a marine who LOVES his XD45. So much in fact, he didn't pay enough attention to his 9mm whatever it was, and while handling his 9 in bed, he had an accidental discharge and shot himself in the calf.
After reading that, I thought, what kind of training didn't this guy have to allow himself to accidentally shoot himself? Well, now I know it can happen to anyone. Although I didn't shoot myself, I had an accidental discharge today at the range. I removed the mag while packing up for the day and noticed the hammer cocked. Luckily I had enough sense to be pointing the weapon downrange[mostly down] and BLAM! I have never heard a .40s&w w/o earmuffs. WOW. My ear rang for a good cpl minutes.
If I remember right, in the original post someone replied that most likely then not, if you shoot enough, you too will have an accidental discharge sometime in your life. Here's me passing it on to you. Keep it pointed downrange, partners.
I suspect that more than one of us have had similar experiences, just not the guts to admit it.
I'll admit to it, but won't go into the details. Nothing but my self-esteem was damaged, though.
I had an accidental discharge one time with a Yugoslavian SKS which I bought at Big 5. This thing came caked in cosmo.
I cleaned all the cosmo out/off, but I neglected to disassemble the bolt. At the range, when I cocked it, it slam-fired off all 5 rounds I had in the magazine in very short order.
Thank God I had it pointing downrange at the time!