The Original CZ Forum
GENERAL => General Discussion => Topic started by: Hurryin Hoosier on March 07, 2014, 08:52:39 PM
Oops. Never mind.
I, too, don't know what to think about that.
I'm totally lost. ::)
Imagine how I feel! :o
Well, I have to be honest and say that I was a little upset when I was first informed of this. However, I spoke with an attorney on the matter and he assured me that it should not be an issue so I am feeling a little better about it. I am still not convinced that it is 100% necessary though. Just my humble opinion.
Despite not knowing what to think about this, I do still have a strong opinion on the matter and believe something needs to be done!
Where are we going, and why are we in this hand basket?
My only hope is that this is not being monitored by NSA. 8)
My only hope is that this is not being monitored by NSA. 8)
Don't worry - they wouldn't know what to think either! :)
Well, I think we should just forget it and "PRESS" on.
John has a long mustache. I say again, John has a long mustache.
John has a long mustache. I say again, John has a long mustache.
No....that's SAM
WAIT, what were we talking about ? ! ? :o
Well, I think we should just forget it and "PRESS" on.
Man, this is confusing enough with out getting the Press involved !
However, I understand the president has made a statement, "If you like your indecision, you can keep it. Period."
And he's the expert.
Man, this is confusing enough with out getting the Press involved !
Phew... at least the press will TELL us what to think ;-)
Somebody here should tell the press what to think.
Lets all just agree to disagree. Or was that disagree to agree? Now I'm really lost. Do we all agree or do we all disagree? Ok, I agree with you if you agree with me. Or was it the other way around?
;D ;D ;D
I'll summarize by voicing my long-held conviction that if the Soviet Union had assaulted Turkey from the rear they would have made use of Greece.
Hey! I'm 1/16th Turk so find that statement offensive!! And, I'm 3/16th Ukrainian, so jokes about Russian invasions during their current incursion into my ancestral Fatherland is downright insensitive!
I demand reparations! So do some of my fellow Ukrainians:
Like Mila: (,
Milla: (,
Kristina: (,
Vera: (,
Olga: (,
Snejana: (,
and former Prime Minister, Yulia: (
I typically think thoughts, but since the topic was deleted I'm not sure what to think or what I would have thought about it!
Hey skookum,
I think I ordered three of those women as brides. I've paid my money and the nice man on the Internet said they should be arriving any day now
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Skook, if you're trying to dissuade anyone from invading you're doing it wrong.
I think I ordered three of those women as brides. I've paid my money and the nice man on the Internet said they should be arriving any day now
I hope they're not shipping USPS!!
and former Prime Minister, Yulia: (
And we've got Obama. There's something very, very wrong here. :-\
Yulia Tymoshenko is put together a bit better than Zero, Mad Vlad, or sHrillary:
Where Yulia leads, my eyes will follow.
As my Dad would have said, "she's cuter than a speckled pup!" ;)
Hey! I'm 1/16th Turk so find that statement offensive!!
Like Mila: (,
You had better thank your lucky stars I'm not the moderator on this forum or I would have deleted all those outrageous photos... except for maybe Mila #1.
Now where were we ? ? ? ;D
Just a clarification for Mila's sake: I'm the one who is 1/16th Turk (my great great grandfather found himself a Ukrainian babe); Mila is 16/16ths Ukrainian.
Rick rolled?
I want in. What'd I miss?
( (
After reading some of these responses, I am quite frankly shocked. I think some of you guys need to reevaluate your priorities and see if you can come to a different conclusion.
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I still don't know what to think. I came here seeking guidance, and this is the result. :-\
Suggest a longer evaluation period. More photos please . . . O0
I still don't know what to think. I came here seeking guidance, and this is the result. :-\
OH my foolish son
Were you never so wrong in you life ! ! ! ::)
The ghost of my Turkish great-great grandfather came to me last night to inform me that I had not adequately objected to Hurryin's unforgiveable insult to his homeland. His initial proposal was to jihad Hurryin's ornery carcass, but I persuaded him that it would be sufficient to post photos of a few of his fellow Turks who took great offense at the Hoosier political incorrectness on display, including:
Sinem ? (,
Ece ? (,
Sebnem ? (,
Deniz ? (,
Hadise ? (,
Didem ? (, and
Aysun ? (
I'm liking this thread more and more...
No wonder you Americans like turkey for thanksgiving.
Sent from my GT-I8190 using Tapatalk
My shame knows no end. To show my good will, I hereby offer to adopt a Turkish orphan. (Any of the above would do nicely.) :o
My great-great grandpa demands that the offender be publically humiliated. Because it's Pi Day (Happy Pi Day, everyone!), a bit of history is in order:
"In 1897, the Indiana General Assembly nearly passed a bill adopting 3.2 as the exact value of pi at the behest of an amateur mathematician. Fortunately, a savvy math man from Purdue University, who was by chance visiting the legislature, intervened and prevented the bill from becoming law."
Seems that the typical Hoosier is about 1.86% off kilter.
Oh Skookum, Skookum, Skookum. Just see if any of my Irish ancestors buy any of your Turkish ancestors a pint on Monday (which is a real holiday - and Holy Day - Saints preserve us)! ;D
Our ancestors must survive the Ides of March tomorrow before they can make plans for St Patty's Day.
But, my Turkish ancestors recently told me they call an Irishmen with 500 girlfriends ? a shepherd.
Sorry guys
I think I'll stick with my Sicilian Roots
Here's what we're watching in Palermo these days:
But, my Turkish ancestors recently told me they call an Irishmen with 500 girlfriends ? a shepherd.
I fart in your general direction! >:(
Sorry guys
I think I'll stick with my Sicilian Roots
Here's what we're watching in Palermo these days:
I just felt my blood pressure drop.
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk
I think I'll stick with my Sicilian Roots
Don Den,
I apologize profusely ? I did not realize it was you. I meant no disrespect. May you daughter's first child be a masculine child.
Your humble servant,
I fart in your general direction! >:(
Sorry, but it's drizzling here; thus, scrubbing your emanations from the atmosphere. Your contributions to anthropogenic global warming will undoubtedly be welcome in freeing the Midwest from the grasp of the polar vortex.
I fart in your general direction! >:(
Sorry, but it's drizzling here; thus, scrubbing your emanations from the atmosphere. Your contributions to anthropogenic global warming will undoubtedly be welcome in freeing the Midwest from the grasp of the polar vortex.
You shore do talk purdy! ::)
I think that such a dilatory encumbrance would only serve to indoubitably exacerbate an already precarious situation.
I think that such a dilatory encumbrance would only serve to indoubitably exacerbate an already precarious situation.
My dictionary had to look up some of those words in its dictionary LOL
I think that such a dilatory encumbrance would only serve to indoubitably exacerbate an already precarious situation.
Who you callin' a "dilatory"? You betta watch yo'self! >:(
I think that such a dilatory encumbrance would only serve to indoubitably exacerbate an already precarious situation.
Yeah....what he said ! :o