The Original CZ Forum

GENERAL => Right to Keep and Bear Arms => Topic started by: CZ Taji on October 09, 2014, 03:29:54 PM

Title: Maryland High capacity magazine purchases/possesion
Post by: CZ Taji on October 09, 2014, 03:29:54 PM
Hi folks,
 I just wanted to post this up so folks are know and understand the magazine situation in Maryland.

A Md. resident can legally own/use high capacity magazines in the state of Md.

High capacity mags are magazines that hold more than 10 rounds.

It is not legal to ship into MARYLAND ONE OF THESE HIGH CAPACITY MAGS.

However, Maryland resident can buy a high capacity magazine from another state and simply drive into Maryland, and be totally legal with that newly purchased magazine.  It does not matter what state the magazine actually came from.

Most folks are going to neighboring states to buy their High capacity magazines and then legally driving back to Md. with their new magazines.

 I would do the same, but I don't have a car or easy access to one.   I posted this because a member here wrongly assumed that he would be breaking Maryland law by shipping the magazine to someone else.  My cousin actually, in D.C. .

I forwarded him 411 from Md.shooters website which has posted on it an email from the states attorney.  He states the case, without saying the details the way I did here.  Still it's very clear what is legal in Md., if you read his email. The poster who he responded to also said that the S.A. has helped him before with other firearm related issues and he was very helpful & cordial too...

A COMPANY COULD SHIP  TO A ADDRESS DESIGNATED BY THE BUYER TOO.  Yet, the package would have to a  arrive at a non-Maryland address to be legal that is all. The buyer can then legally take possession of the magazine/s in another state. 

Then enter into Maryland legally with them.   They will now be the legal owners  of a high capacity magazine in the state of Maryland.
Title: Re: Maryland High capacity magazine purchases/possesion
Post by: CZ Taji on October 09, 2014, 06:56:11 PM
 So even a email sent from the states attorney stating was was legal in maryland would not allow the mag seller to say yes.
he's a leo in Ga. & it tripped me out because if anyone should realize the situation i would think it would be  Leo .  I didn't even realize any of these particulars until i joined a Md. gun enthusiast site.

I don't know how many Leo's are members of the site, but i do know there's a whole bunch of them for sure. I'll be shooting with some eventually just by happenstance.  Considering my naturally friendly nature I'm sure some of those leos will become range buddies or even friends.

In the mean time either someone will ship or I'll have to take a very costly ride out of state. This shouldn't be, but just like i told the mag seller.  I'm going to do things the right way cause I'm not going to jeopardize my HQL Status . So my mags will be found sooner or later, but my pocket will suffer needlessly. I hate maryland !  :o
Title: Re: Maryland High capacity magazine purchases/possesion
Post by: Tok36 on October 09, 2014, 07:43:00 PM
As a current resident of California, i am envious.

Thank you for the information OP.