The Original CZ Forum
CZ PISTOL CLUBS => CZF KADET KLUB => Topic started by: DOC-Ken-5 on February 22, 2002, 12:08:27 AM
....and I probably should have asked here first maybe, but would you all....(if the Moderator powers that be are willing)....rather see a separate forum for CZ Rimfire rifles ect. or a blended one here as a "Kadet & Rimfire" as a general forum?
Sorry if this offends any, no intent....just see a way to complete the CZ experience here on the CZ Forums.
This I feel would be a great asset, I know by so many posting that by just asking the question it is seldom answered, so we'll do the opposite: Is anybody against doing a new Kadet Klub posting section, this new section should be: ''CZF Rim-fired firearms''.
This section would include: CZ-122(pistol), CZ-452(rifle),Kadet (pistol or in kit form). .22 l.r. has always been a field were lots of shooters are practicing either for the reasons of economy or access to a more vaste public. Without putting asside an entry form of the shooting sport. Try to remember the times that you had more fun shooting, and I'm shure it's not shooting that handgun in .454 Cassull or that .600 Nitro Express. This is the fundaments of the shooting pastime adding an access to your familly possibility of accessing this activity.
Works for me..but others will scream..
you guys can have a .22 RIMFIRE section..and use a CZ .22 rifle for the banner.
This will let the growing .22 rifle crowd meet each other,as some people like
Pistols and the kadet kit is an accessory.not really another CZ.
Oh, my Canandian firned. WE can't t get the CZ-122 here in the states. pretty stupid rules.
ok check in a few minutes..
COOOL! COOO! COOOL!!! I think that you will see the .22 Rimfire forum grow sharply once the word is out.
Sorry for intruding Kadet owners, it looks like we to got our CZ Forum Rimfire RIFLE section. (Thanks CZ Forum) See you around & don't hesitate to visit.
A good suggestion doesn't step on anyone's toes around here. I, too, am becoming intersted in other CZ products. I didn't want another .45 after selling my Colt long ago. But, that 97B is looking better all the time. I think the rifle/pistol seperation is better than the rimfire/centerfire seperation, though.