The Original CZ Forum
GENERAL => General Firearms Discussion => Topic started by: DougC on January 26, 2017, 11:29:48 AM
I did a thing and strayed from CZ with my latest pistol purchase. After much searching and video watching on the web I bought myself an Arex Rex Zero 1S. To be brief I'm very happy with it! I'll never move away from CZ but I can definitely see the compact Zero 1 in my future! I've posted a range report as well....
Here she is....
( (
Very very Nice! 8) Congratulations and may it serve you well! :)
I've been very interested in these Sig clones. I'll check out your range report right away.
Very nice Sir 8)
Nice I have been eyeing that as well.
Very nice....enjoy !
I'm waiting for the compact model to become available. But from the 100rds I got to shoot, this is a fine piece of gun. Congrats man. What did you pay?
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I'm waiting for the compact model to become available. But from the 100rds I got to shoot, this is a fine piece of gun. Congrats man. What did you pay?
Bought it from Bud's.... being an impatient person I ended up paying the credit price of $630, if I had patience I could have gotten the cash discount price of $612.
I believe that is a Turkish made Sig 226 knock off, and from what I've read, it's a VERY good quality knock off indeed. Would love to hear your impressions, the good, the bad, and the ugly. They appear to be very well made, and attention being paid to details.
Congratulations, I think you have a very nice pistol there.
That is a very nice looking pistol. I'd bet it's going to establish quite the reputation for them.
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Not Turkish. Romanian or Slovenian I think.
Not Turkish. Romanian or Slovenian I think.
Yup, Slovenia.
I got one a couple months back and it's been great. I'm considering an fde compact as well. I've compared it next to my 226 and I've come to the conclusion that I like both!
The gun is manufactured in Slovenia fellas. Even though not too many super great pistols have come out of there, I think this sets a new benchmark in quality for less quantity($$$) still standing by for the news on when a compact will come. This is something I'll follow for a long time. Been watching for almost 5months now. The FIME group said in an email about the AREX 1S Compact: basically they have no idea when to expect a compact model. But that it is manufactured and sold overseas. Now we have to wait. Hopefully not for too long.
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The gun is manufactured in Slovenia fellas. Even though not too many super great pistols have come out of there, I think this sets a new benchmark in quality for less quantity($$$) still standing by for the news on when a compact will come. This is something I'll follow for a long time. Been watching for almost 5months now. The FIME group said in an email about the AREX 1S Compact: basically they have no idea when to expect a compact model. But that it is manufactured and sold overseas. Now we have to wait. Hopefully not for too long.
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Compacts are out there. A guy on glock talk had a shipment and was selling for around 620 shipped. They were even fde. I've also seen clack ones on GB
The gun is manufactured in Slovenia fellas. Even though not too many super great pistols have come out of there, I think this sets a new benchmark in quality for less quantity($$$) still standing by for the news on when a compact will come. This is something I'll follow for a long time. Been watching for almost 5months now. The FIME group said in an email about the AREX 1S Compact: basically they have no idea when to expect a compact model. But that it is manufactured and sold overseas. Now we have to wait. Hopefully not for too long.
I've really been enjoying mine! Glad I bought it and will most likely be getting a Compact as well. I had been looking at getting a Legion 226 until I found this gun.... can buy the 1S and the 1CP for the price of the Legion.... was a no brainer to me. Still love my CZ's the best though!
Compacts are out there. A guy on glock talk had a shipment and was selling for around 620 shipped. They were even fde. I've also seen clack ones on GB
Glad you like the new pistol. I'm intrigued as the company has never produced a handgun before but all the reviews are glowing. There aren't many real owner reviews out there on the Rex Zero 1 yet, it would be great to see what you think of it as a real owner.
Compacts are out there. A guy on glock talk had a shipment and was selling for around 620 shipped. They were even fde. I've also seen clack ones on GB.
So far still haven't seen one. At all. No link? It doesn't exist in the USA.
[Mods agree... Lack of a link is very poor manners]
So far still haven't seen one. At all. No link? It doesn't exist in the USA.
It's available on Gun Broker -
So far still haven't seen one. At all. No link? It doesn't exist in the us.
Here's a review of the Compact Version:
FDE version in stock here:
Has anyone done a complete tear down yet? I can't figure out how to remove the hammer spring.
I just found a couple of the 1CPs at buds. Only thing is they're the same price as the 1s. Now I think there must be some sort of markup on the compact. Thanks for the links guys. Appreciate it.
I have a Rex Zero 1, and *love* it. The factory trigger is extremely nice, albeit DA is on the heavy side, though not too much for a carry/duty style pistol.
I fully intend to get the "battle ready" model that was shown @ SHOT 2017, with the red dot plate, suppressor sights and threaded barrel.
Also, K-Var is now offering the Hogue G10 grips in 3 colors to upgrade the factory plastic panels, without having to buy the special edition Rex Zero 1 with the Hogue knife. Those were the grips on Tim Harmsen's Zero 1 that he ran through Military Arms Channel's torture test last year.
I realize that this is an old thread, but it's directly related to a pistol that I'm interested in. I was looking at purchasing a Sig P226 in 9mm and ran across the Arex Rex Zero 1 S as an alternative. They're available on GunBroker for $371 delivered to me. Are there any updates on them? Are these still worth purchasing?
I realize that this is an old thread, but it's directly related to a pistol that I'm interested in. I was looking at purchasing a Sig P226 in 9mm and ran across the Arex Rex Zero 1 S as an alternative. They're available on GunBroker for $371 delivered to me. Are there any updates on them? Are these still worth purchasing?
trigger pull sucks, but otherwise a solid gun