The Original CZ Forum
CZ PISTOL CLUBS => CZ Polymer Pistols: P10, P-07, P-09 => Topic started by: CZ Aficionado on July 03, 2017, 07:47:41 PM
So I'm interrupting this P-10C station for a question on another CZ model ;D..... I'm NOT by any means new to CZ's, though the polymer models I am newer to. I always look at new and used CZ's "everywhere" on-line and locally, this is what I find......there are plenty of used P-07's and very few if any P-09's being offered up. Literally 15:1 ratio in my searches over the past several months. I do have a P-09 all upgraded buy the folks at is nice, I even ended up selling my SP-01 that was equally or even a bit more upgraded, that I swore I would never sell....are the P-09's just that desirable? Anyone have any idea's why there aren't "any" (aka "very few") used P-09's out there...... ;)
I'd venture to guess everybody likes theirs as much as you and I do :)
Oh there's plenty of well-used P09s , but once they're polished and upgraded nobody wants to let go of them. I won't get rid of mine.
I actually see the opposite - very few used 07s. Of course I usually tend to find what all I'm not after at the moment LOL
Saw a couple in classifieds custom cgw
I laughed at the subject line. My P-09 is not for sale and it is still in training, so to speak, and it has not been polished or updated. Maybe some of us want to keep a P-09!
I will say, before I decided to get a P-09 I did quite a bit of of the things that caught my attention was that the muzzle flip was suppose to be less than that of an SP-01.....but alas I took all the information in and decided to give it a try. Mine I actually bought already upgraded, used of all things, albeit lightly...mainly since it saved me a few hundred dollars from buying everything and doing it or having it done.....long story short, took it to the range with my upgraded SP-01 and was really impressed....sure enough it was smoother shooting, w/less muzzle flip and just as accurate! So its currently the only, and may ever be the only Polymer gun I own.... ;D
I have a P-07, a 75B, an SP-01 Tactical and a P-09.
I shoot my P-09 the most and the best of the four. My P-07 is a close second.
Maybe that will change after I pick up my 75D tomorrow??
I actually see the opposite - very few used 07s. Of course I usually tend to find what all I'm not after at the moment LOL
I see new P-09's.....used ones, not so much......but yes in general, your experience is how it seems to go ::)
I have a P-07, a 75B, an SP-01 Tactical and a P-09.
I shoot my P-09 the most and the best of the four. My P-07 is a close second.
Maybe that will change after I pick up my 75D tomorrow??
Not to stray from the main topic but, my two steel's a 75BD and a Cold War I've upgraded completely to include the CGW 10X Bushings.,...the bushings are worth the $
There are a few other angles to answer your question:
- The P-07 came out a year before the P-09. So of the people who wanted to try a polymer framed, hammer-fired CZ and turned out NOT to like it well enough to keep, a higher percentage of those people bought the P-07. Basically, the curiosity buyers bought when the P-07 was the only one available.
- There's also the fact that the second year of the P-07 saw some upgrades to the design, so there's a whole year of subpar P-07 pistols out there that are more likely to get sold or traded in.
- Along the same line as the first reason, there are going to be people out there who would have preferred the full-size version, but who bought the compact P-07 because they just had to have the new CZ hotness right then. Then when the P-09 came out, they ditched the P-07 and got the full-size version they wanted all along.
It just seems to me that there being more P-07 pistols on the used market makes perfect sense.
A final possibility, and I have no idea that this is the case, but it could also be that WAY more P-07 pistols than P-09 pistols were sold. I don't why this would be true, but it's possible that the ratio of those two pistols on the used market reflects the ratio sold. ;)
I definitely have to pile on to the fact that the P-07 DUTY was the first one sold, had minor cosmetic issues that caused all kinds of hooplah, and eventually the factory rebuilt the gun after the P-09 was finalized, using many design highlights of the P-09. So yes, the first gen might be what you see for sale more often in the P-07, the DUTY model.
My P-09 is Cajunized, and "it ain't goin' nowheres!"
You can get a new P09 in the mid $400 range, so a used one, (stock), would have to be in the high $300 range. I'd never part w/ my P09, let alone for around $375.. Maybe everyone else feels the same
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You can get a new P09 in the mid $400 range, so a used one, (stock), would have to be in the high $300 range. I'd never part w/ my P09, let alone for around $375.. Maybe everyone else feels the same
P-09 NIB 402.00 at K-VAR
Even some of the Glock guys will talk about how awesome their P09 is at the range.
I have a couple. They'll leave the house when I get planted. My youngest son will probably end up with them, unless he wasn't to give one to my oldest son (not really a gun guy like we are.)
Then again, maybe not. My wife really likes my P09 .40 S&W (I have never let her shoot the 9MM P09, can't risk losing it).
If I should ever tire of my P07, my wife and daughter are in line before it could get listed !!!! And my daughter likes it more than her Sig P229 !
Every time I see a P-09 in the classifieds, I give it a bump. In my opinion, there simply isn't another production handgun that is as good for a precision shooting pistol. I have two now and will sell everything else in the safe before the P-09s go. Well, except for maybe the 97B"E". And the Kadet. And the 9mm slide for the Kadet frame. And the P-07. OK, OK, the Sigs and Rugers go first.
Seriously, I think most people feel the P-09 was an excellent buy to begin with, and simply want to keep them, even if they don't shoot them much.
the P-09 was an excellent buy to begin with, and simply want to keep them, even if they don't shoot them much.
I suspect there's some truth there. I hardly ever shoot mine, but it's too good of a pistol to sell for what I might get for it, and I keep telling myself One of these days.... ;)