've been eyeing a P07 for the last few years. I have held off because I want to see if the P07 was going to hold up like a Glock 19. After reading the post on the thread above and watching Mike Pannone I decide to get buy a P07.
I found one at Exile Armory in Weaver AL about 70 miles from where I live. It was worst the trip. Exile Armory(EA) had a good stock of Cz both handguns and rifles in stock. The price was less than $500.00 including tax. I wanted to buy from a deal rather than a from CZ on the LEO program, because of the wait time (if they don't have one in stock) and the LEO letter on letterhead. I put in layaway due to Christmas bill and our local FOP range is flooded due to the heavy winter rains here in Alabama.
My plans are after I pay off the gun: 1. find a Kylex holster. I'm 55 years old and I bleep sure don't wear skinny jeans, so I'm looking for what we old guys call a pancake holster aka OWB. Also to go with is a either two single mag pouches or a double. 2. Magazines at $37.00 to $46.00 a mag OUCH. But, I lived thru the Criminal Bill of 1994. I learned then if you have a handgun for self defense 10 magazine are just a start. If you don't think that a new Criminal Bill is coming well...
I will be posting up dates on the gun and how many rounds I've fired thru it.
Please understand I'm not a semi pro or professional gunwriter. Also, I don't have a You Tube Channel. I'm a cop, a shooter and a father. I don't teach classes on the side. All the mag and ammo I'll be writing about will be coming out of my pocket. If you have read gun rags in the past you know that writer can't be exactly straigt foward. This review is going to be straight foward from a self defense point of view. LR