I didn't let my wife know when I started carrying either. I wanted to see how long she would take in noticing. She never did, so I explained it to her before she ever saw it taking place. My main reason to start carrying was that I work, after hour,s in practices that house drugs & a couple have been robbed...
As she is a city girl, she just thought it to be my country boy nature so I didn't catch flak for it. I do get the eyeroll when she thinks I am going overboard, but it doesn't stop me as my family's protection is my responsibility...
Very recently, my outdoor camera took some great video of scum going through her car. They checked my truck but it is always locked. She felt violated, but it took this drastic step for her to start locking her car, since she never listened to me about it.
The coolest part: scum was convicted this past week because of my video...