Ready to order a SP01 tacticle or maybe the SP01 im courious if the trigger pulls are the same between the safety model an the tacticle model. ? Also depending on how things feel when it gets here ill more than likely be getting a trigger kit, sights, etc.. will the tacticle model be harder to get parts for and work on due to decocker ??
I own the Safety version. Never shot the SP-01 tactical. However, I do own the P-01 and the PCR. Both have the decocker. I've installed Cajun Gun Works parts on all 3 and have done polishing of the action on all as well.
You can get the same parts for both the safety and the decocker. Both are similar to work on. The decocker is a little harder since the sear has more parts and you have to use a slave pin to remove it in one piece where the safety sear can come out in one piece.
You can get both to have a really nice pull weight and smooth action. The safety version you can convert to SAO and put a flat trigger if you pleae. You can NOT do that to the decocker version.
I think which you get has more to do with which manual of arms you prefer. I personally like the decocker manual of arms over the safety. I prefer to carry with a round chambered and the hammer down than with it cocked and safety on. You can do this easily and safely with a decocker. You can with the safety version but there is always a risk of an AD if you drop the hammer. But again, this is my preference and really depends on what you plan on doing with the gun. YMMV.
If it's a range toy/night stand gun, I would say get the safety version. It's a little easier to work on and you have the option to go SAO if you ever choose. Sounds like you're after the best trigger action possible and it will be hard to beat the safety version converted to SAO.
Hope this helps.
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