Author Topic: Looking at doing a trigger job on my IMI Jericho pistol - a few questions first  (Read 844 times)

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Offline Dogman93

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Alright, so as the title says, and assuming I've fixed my failure to chamber issue (will test this before trying my hand at a trigger job). My questions were, can somebody explain how the different springs work together to determine the final trigger pull weight? I've asked Cajun Gun Works if any of their kits would work with my Jericho pistol and unfortunately to their knowledge none will work, so I will have to try to come up with something on my own. Now, im assuming I can use the stickied posts on polishing all the trigger components, but as far as I know that won't help me adjust out the pre travel or over travel, but will help clean up any grittyness in the trigger. I was hoping somebody might explain how the springs work together and then exactly how the cajun gun works springs change the trigger wait and how the trigger acts, as to try to get the best trigger I can out of my own pistol.