Hiya 007 and thx for your thread,and congrats on your find. I got my 83 from one of the last batches from CZC before they stopped making them and its a great back up and easy to conceal. Never able to hit small groups at 7yards but great,get off me weapon. Having also ordered from cz usa,when I've had a question about if something may or may not fit,you can phone in and ask to speak to a cz gunsmith. To avoid ordering a part that just needs to be returned later. They are prolly still working on ones still in their original five year warranty. Sorry your grips didn't quite fit proper. As nice of a palm swelled rubber they have on other guns,wish marketing woulda made one for the 82/83's. I added the Marchel wood grips,and the several month wait was worth it. Look forward to your range report pics, and avoid steel cased ammo from russia,the mags don't seem to like feeding as well as brass or aluminum cased. Be well.