I picked up a NIB P-07, 2014 vintage, in 40 S&W yesterday. I cleaned and lubed it up and the trigger pull according to my inexpensive Wheeler 8 oz to 8 lb trigger pull scale, the SA trigger pull started at 4.2 lbs. After dry firing with snap caps about 300 times, the SA trigger pull went down to about 3.5 lbs to 3.75 lbs, but looked like 3.5 lbs is where it was heading. DA trigger pull exceeded 8 lbs. The red line indicates where the trigger pull scale was during the testing. Above there was a flat area and the pull scale would slide off it and settle lower.
I would assume that the "stock" SA trigger pull would settle in the 4.25 lb range. What is the normal "stock" SA trigger pull range for the Omega trigger? Any info would be greatly appreciated.