I hit up the local range yesterday morning and took mainly DA/SA handguns. The line up was Beretta 92A1 (new), CZ P01 Omega (new), CZ P09 and threw in the Sig P320 TacOps as well. Main purpose was to break in the new P01 Omega UG SR and the Beratta 92A1.
The 92A1 ran great. I installed a D spring, Elite hammer and WC short reach trigger. I am not sure what it is on this Beretta, but with those minor mods this trigger is amazing. I did have several failures to feed, but they were caused by a new Beretta 20 round mag.
The CZ P09 UG SR was the most enjoyable to shoot. I have about 500 rounds through it now. Only mods are CGW yellow hammer spring, extended firing pin, RP TRS and some light polishing. I did the same mods on my P07 and this P09 trigger came out much better. I had 4 malfunctions with the P09 though. One failer to extract on the last round and 3 failures to fire. Primer had good marks after first attempt and all fired on second try. This may be ammo as I was using S&B and I really have not used this brand of ammo in years.
Then there was the P01 Omega UG SR. I was excited to get this one to the range. I must say the DA pull on this is insane heavy! It will be getting the same mods as my P09 and P07. Anyways, first mag and I was ready to put it away. It stings my trigger finger with every DA shot! I am not sure why. The P07 and P09 do not do this at all. When I got home I dry fired it some and work ed with finger placement. I think what happens is the DA pull is so heavy that my trigger finger moves down to the very end of the trigger, ehich as a little flared as yall know, and that is what causes the sting. I think with lightening up this trigger it will be solved. For now though it is headed back to CZ due to a dead front night sight.