If I ever replace a hammer in another CZ I will buy the CGW adjustable sear. I fitted a safety to the sear on my first project/build and will never go through that again. Going slow is the way to go to insure you don't remove too much metal but 23 or 24 times of taking the safety out to remove a little bit of metal is way too much work. The adjustable sear eliminates that aggravation.
We have one CZ75SA in 9MM. Prior to the installation of the CGW race hammer and adjustable sear it was difficult to "feel" that stopping point where the firing pin block was out of the way just prior to the sear movement releasing the hammer. I'm not a competition shooter but I'm a "nice trigger guy." A gun with a bad trigger isn't fun to shoot. But that factory CZ trigger feel in the new CZ75SA wasn't good either. I want to feel that stopping point in trigger rearward movement just before the next little rearward movement fires the pistol. I can feel it on my P09, my P07, my CZ75 Compact, etc. They all have pretty nice triggers and firing pin blocks and I can feel that stop.
On the CZ75SA, once we put the CGW race hammer and adjustable sear in we also removed the firing pin block. But after that I could feel that stopping point. I can't say what removal of the block did for reducing trigger pull weight. I can say that the CGW parts made the trigger feel better/more positive for me.
I converted one of my Compacts to SAO using the CGW race hammer, adjustable sear and a straight trigger from CZ USA and it's pretty darned nice.