I got off work early today and the thermo meter said it was 71 degrees. Keep in mind I have been ITCHING for a some seat time on the bike. However, the first thing that pops into my mind is the unfired ( by me ) transitional Pre B I picked up a couple days ago. Sooooo a short trip to the house and it?s off to the range!!!
Already having one Pre B I knew what to expect and this one did not disappoint. 200 flawless rounds down range and all headed to point of aim. She ran perfectly and flawlessly as expected. A couple more days like this and I will turn her into my edc.
I only had Federal 115s with me today so I?ll mix it up on the next couple trips. But I don?t think I?ll be able to trip her up. Anyway the target pictured was 15 rounds at 15 yards shooting briskly. What more can you ask for with a basic combat pistol that?s 27 years old.
Couple down the pipe and all is well
She?s eating em up like candy
15 rounds at 15 yards
Packed up and ready for a bath