Hiya Yankchef and thx for starting the thread. I bought one for an Evo I had,and other than looking cool, I didn't notice any difference it, recoil,muzzle flip,more or less of a report, [rolly 85 bucks I coulda saved. Now my checkmate has three,I believe verses these ones you guys got are one port,yes? no? maybe?. Well I'd run a shadow with a c-more and knew I wasn't gonna get use out of one for the CM, but to run the compensator,ya got no front site,so off to CZC to make one for it. Well without using any kind of meter,the muzzle flip is maybe a quarter of uncompensated,so does help to stay on target. And of course the similar decrease in felt recoil. But seeing I spent so much and had mods I didn't wanna have to spend the bucks to shoot more expensive loads at the range, it did take experimenting with main/hammer spring,and six pound offered 100% cycling of wall marts fed 115gr. Hope yours works just as well.