I have experienced slide lock failures for the following 3 situations:
1: riding the stop.
This does not happen on all pistols because of the size and shape of my hands, but it has happened once.
2: excessive lube on the slide to stop interface.
Happened on an FN509, excessive oil from the recoil assembly made its way out the gun through the gap and got all over the slide, stopped locking back at that point, you do need lubrication there, but not IN the gap on the slide where the lock engages, and barely any is needed
3: weak ammo.
Magtech ammo specifically, in duty pistols mostly, the slide does not travel back far enough to lock, and in some guns will stovepipe. Other weak ammo will do the same, simple physics, No problems with other ammo I have used, but I only use quality rounds, including 115gr Winchester. In the S2 I have also used Browning BPT 147gr, and possibly Fiocchi 115gr.
Additionally, the following can occur but I have not experienced it:
4: Weak mag spring or drag on follower.
If the follower is not able to push up the slide lock in time due to reduced spring force or friction, it can cause lock failure. With only 300 rounds, it is unlikely this is the problem, but still possible
5: Lack of lubrication on the firearm.
Also unlikely on a new gun with only 300rds, but excessive friction can slow down the action to where it can experience malfunctions. I have used no lube on occasion (Sig P365) in order to see where manual work needs to be done to smooth out the action, the S2 should not require this at all. I use grease on the barrel, and the slide interface, and where the hammer meets the sear, as well as the slide lock where it meets the barrel and frame. Oil on the springs and action pins. Both Milcomm.
6: Damage to gun or mag.
Very unlikely at 300rds