I got a p365 the other day and I've been researching striker drag. Most of the threads I've seen on all the big forum sites haven't really gotten into what actually causes it, and what you could do to fix it.
From what I've gathered though, and this could be wrong so If someone knows better please jump in, Striker drag is caused by the striker spring and the recoil spring not being in a good ratio. The slide is retracting back too fast compared to the speed of the striker retracting.
It seems like this problem could be fixed by either a much stronger recoil spring (which would slow down the speed of the retracting slide and give the striker more time to get out of the way before the barrel starts to drop), OR by a stronger striker spring.
When you think about fixing this problem from the point of view of a corporation, you have to take into account economies of scale. For instance: I could understand why SIG would not want to fix the striker drag by using a stronger striker spring, because that would put more force on their MIM strikers and possibly cause them to break prematurely. and from their perspective, Using a steel striker would cause the gun to cost too much to produce (assuming they are set on manufacturing a 500$ gun).
If you were to buy a fancy Steel striker though, is it correct to assume that if you put a stronger striker spring on it that the striker drag would lessen?
Why hasn't SIG looked at fixing the striker drag with increased power recoil springs though? This seems like it would be effective. Could it have anything to do with keeping the slide easy to rack?(which the p365 is very easy to rack)... Putting a much stronger recoil spring might lower their market share by excluding women or the elderly who would be unable to operate the slide with a heavy spring, or experience a ton of FTF's from not holding it tight enough (stronger recoil springs are known to result in FTF malfunctions if you dont hold the gun tight enough.)
Sorry for the long post, but I haven't seen any threads looking at what causes striker drag and what can fix it.