This project is a work in progress. It is an effort to collect a bank of information on the CZ 75 pistol over the decades of its production into a central source for members of the forum. It is not meant to be a serious reference source but a FYI for Forum members curious about these pistols and their changes over the years.
There are individual threads by the decades and miscellaneous items. A separate one exists for member comments and contributions. Some of you Forum members have been following these pistols since their inception and have acquired a lot of experience and knowledge. We look forward to comments and additional information from all Forum members to grow our collective knowledge base.
The initial data and remarks were compiled from CZ 75s appearing on public auction and sales sites in the US and Europe as well as other types of web sites, printed sources and posts within this forum over a period of years. It started as a simple attempt to nail down some serial number information, year of production and physical characteristics of the surplus pistols that were coming on the market in numbers at the time. The eclectically gathered database has grown into more than 1200 pistols over time. Photos of pistols included are only for illustrative purposes and provided by owners with their approval (nothing from the web or other sources).
Verifiable contributions from forum members are welcome to help with the accuracy and to expand the knowledge base here.
As with any large sources of data, there is always the chance for error and incorrect assumption. The early years of the 1980?s (1980-1983) comprise a small number of observed samples (5-10 pistols). There are a few samples in which the serial number is visible but the smaller, usually poorly stamped year digits are not decipherable and there were not enough samples to bracket these pistols to assign a year to them. These are presently excluded from the serial number range data. All serial numbers shown exclude at least 2-digits to maintain some SN anonymity for what it?s worth. With just photos, it can be challenging to determine the type of finish on some observed samples. Additionally, if there?s one thing to expect from CZ production over the decades, it is that there are products with exceptions to everything it has made. That?s part of the mystique of the CZ 75 pistols. This data is presented in a very simple format both for updating, readability and to fit the Forum format limitations.
Terms used (these are unofficial as the manufacturer did not use them and others may use different language):
- Short-Rail to define the very early models up to 1980.
- Pre-B for the non-firing pin block pistols following the Short-Rails.
- Transitional for the next model without the firing pin block system and having any of the newer features found on the contemporary CZ 75B such as squared trigger guard, ring hammer, slanted cocking serrations, pinned (not staked) front sights in either ramp or post with the glare reducing-ribbing along the top of the slide.
- Finally, the contemporary B model.
- Waffles for the standard plastic grips on the Short-Rail and early Pre-Bs.