Hi Gang,
I'm trying to decide between the P-09 and the P-10F to serve as my "do-it-all" 9mm. It'll see duty primarily as a HD/range/fun gun. I've been shooting quite a bit lately and thinking about checking out local shooting matches, so it may serve in that role down the road as well.
I have a newborn at home and need diaper money more than I need a collection of firearms so I'm trying to 'thin the herd' down to what I consider the essentials (carry pistol, full-size pistol, shotgun, AR, and long rifle).
I'm fortunate to live in Northern Nevada so I have access to lots of great outdoor spots to shoot.
Anyhow.. I've put about 1000 rounds through the P-09 and about 700 through the P-10 F. Both are amazing and I know that I'd be in great shape keeping either.
Butttt since the wife, junior, and the dog are sleeping, I figured I'd take this rare moment of peace to chat about guns.
P-09 Pros:
- Laser accurate. Makes me feel like a better shot than I am.
- 'Flexibility' of DA/SA and safety/decocker.
- Feels 'safer'. I know this is mostly in my head, but the long DA pull and the fact that the firing pin isn't storing any potential energy just makes me feel a little better about avoiding a potential ND if I were to have a moment of inattentiveness or just make a mistake down the road.
- I have the full Cajun kit in there are really enjoyed polishing and installing that stuff.
- 'Better' (softer) recoil impulse than the P-10. I've tried a combination of springs and find that the 18# hammer and recoil springs suit me the best (with factory 115 grain cheap stuff).
P-09 Cons:
- Not *quite* as ergonomic (to my hands) the P-10F.
- The large 'duty-sized' controls are a touch too prominent for my liking and somewhat interfere with an 'ideal' grip.
- Busted trigger bar spring ? 2
P-10F Pros:
- Feels amazing ergonomically (I put Hogue grips on everything).
- That CGW Short Reset Trigger is terrific (though IMHO, no striker comes close to an Apex'd M&P).
- Incredibly accurate (far moreso than the aforementioned M&P haha)
- Terrific slide serrations
- Very 'simple' with few external controls
P-10F Cons:
- Snappier than the P-09. I tried various recoil springs (with the P-09 guide rod.. it just stuck out a bit) and couldn't find a combo that shot as flat as the P-09
- As mentioned earlier, I don't feel *quite* as comfortable with one in the chamber. I know it's a training and discipline issue and that strikers are used without incident all the time, but the decocker and long DA pull of a hammer gun just make me feel better in case I goof or have a brain fart.
- The pin that holds in the backstrap is my mortal enemy.
This is really just a shameless excuse to post a pic of my pistols because I'm excited about my new CZ obsession.
Plus, it's a welcome break from changing diapers, picking up after my dog, and dealing with my wife's constipation. I've only been a dad 3 weeks, but, so far, 80% of my brain power is going towards dealing with poop haha.
Anyhow, I'm leaning towards the P-09 but I figured it'd be fun to get some feedback from the collective.
Cheers, all.
[Mods resized photo]