Yea some great prices on all kinds of items! I have been looking over @ & he has P10C for $349. I joined up a month or so ago and they have some great prices on a lot of items, some are pretty much normal prices that you can be found out on the net so do your research, LOL. It's $9.99 a month so you need to justify and buy a fair amount of items through the year to come out ahead! I will probably "cancel" my Membership in a while but have scored some good deals on RMRs and a few other items.
Anyways the P10 is an FDE Model with 10rd mags which I need (NY) & I didn't think that price was too bad, what do you guys think? The Stock picture shows the gun and a 16 on the slide. The model is described like this:
CZ P-10Semi-Auto compact Semi Auto Pistol 01521 The SKU is: 806703015217-BH which that could just be a reference for the website,I don't know. I left a link above but you can't see anything or prices unless you join/sign up. It's .99 cents for the 1st month then it goes up, for somethings, I think its worth it other you need to figure that out for yourself I guess. They have 291 in stock,do any of those numbers tell you guys that know anything? I wouldn't be that disappointed with an early one I have a bunch of the early mags cus they were cheaper than the 07 mags so I bought like 10 of them,LOL Let me know what ya think guys! I'm really on the fence about it cuz they have the OD Green 07 for $449.99,I want another 07 as a backup,I want the P10 just because,LOL Thanks for any help or ideals!