Author Topic: Surefire Ryder 9 Ti Acquisition Process  (Read 2647 times)

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Offline PappaWheelie

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Surefire Ryder 9 Ti Acquisition Process
« on: October 02, 2018, 10:08:43 PM »
After months of crickets requesting CZ Forum feedback on suppressor suggestions for Ultimate Bedroom Gun (UBG)
-I had occasion to make a SigForum post
regarding a PappaWheelie Invisible holster for PeachBoy son's new P365 with which he'd replaced his Kahr PM9 for concealed carry,
and decided to ask for input there on the Surefire Ryder 9 Ti suppressor I'd finally chosen
-and was surprised to receive almost immediate positive feedback.
I then ordered the suppressor (with wifey concurrence: happy wife, happy life) from Silencer Shop because of their evidently advanced and user-friendly ATF compliance processes. This blog will document, for interested parties to follow, the ease with which Silencer Shop has managed the documentation complexities, and the lead time after document submission I'll experience enroute to legal possession of this "dangerous" accessory.

Not many days after finding and purchasing the Ryder 9 Ti from Silencer Shop, I'm in receipt of an email "Single Shot Trust For Your Records: SF RYDER 9-TI A56N03382 TRUST" with three attached files:
1.) SF RYDER 9-TI A56N03382 TRUST - This is the signed trust document
2.) User Guide.pdf - Instructions for using the trust and amendments
-Appointment of Supporting Trustee.pdf
-Acceptance of Supporting Trustee.pdf
-Form to Remove Supporting Trustee.pdf
-Acceptance of Termination of Appointment.pdf

The prognosticated lead times are given on their website under "ATF Wait Times": -and since clarified as currently running approximately 8 months.

I've counted 18 "keeping you posted" type emails in all throughout the process, which started simply with the purchase, and then: Order Confirmation, Package Shipped, Status Update (7X), Document Requiring Signature(s) for ATF Submission, Completed: Document Requiring Signature(s), all with "Your Chosen Dealer" a constant in the process.

I chose the $24.95 Single Shot NFA Gun Trust as most appropriate for my needs, and the above 18 emails included my flubbing of the "electronic signature" part of the process and having to ask for a reset of the ATF form. The process requires using a left-clicked mouse to "draw" ones signature in a signature field, with option to cancel and retry until satisfied. I accidentally clicked Accept instead of Cancel at one point in the effort to produce a credible likeness of my actual signature, which drove the need to ask for a mulligan. In hindsight, I recommend having an actual signature in view and proceeding very slowly for the sake of "accuracy" in that the process is capable of generating pretty unbelievably UNrealistic scribbles.

There are basically four categories of information that are required;
choosing their $6.00 Paper Fingerprinting Packet narrows it to three by supplying, via the required fingerprint card information entries, all of the "transfer information" but County, which can be supplied via email in answer to their proactive email query. The Paper Fingerprinting Packet is two snail-mailed cards that you take to your local Sheriff or Police Department to obtain "old fashioned" ink fingerprints after filling in the ATF-required information fields. It comes with a postage-paid pre-addressed mailer, making it impossible to further simplify. This was an attractive (over the gun shop kiosk method) option in that my "Chosen Dealer" is almost 90 miles away, and gasoline is no longer $0.25/gallon as it was in my "yout."

The "passport-style photo" is defined as (if I correctly recall) a roughly 2" X 2" (~720 X 720 pixel) white background selfie that in my case took a bit of fussing to produce as a .png via my MacBook Pro's top-of-screen camera.

Silencer Shop has proven both diligent and user-friendly; my documents were submitted to ATF October 1st; the process is expected to culminate in ~6-8 months per .

I feel very "taken care of" as a customer of Silencer Shop. Future posts will document ATF lead time realities.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2018, 03:32:16 PM by PappaWheelie »
Member, Gun Owners of America
CC: CZ 2075 RAMI BD in PappaWheelie Invisible 15 Round RAMI Holster
Homeboy: CZ 97 BD, Underwood 45 Super 120 Grain Xtreme Defender ammo
UBG: CZ 75 SP-01 Tactical Urban Grey Suppressor-ready
-all w/ CGW Short Reset Kit/1485-T2 Disco, 5 "Thick" Trigger, polished SA tooth

Offline PappaWheelie

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Re: Surefire Ryder 9 Ti Acquisition Process
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2019, 04:27:22 PM »
I feel very "taken care of" as a customer of Silencer Shop. Future posts will document ATF lead time realities.
ATF lead time reality: got the call 9-17-2019 from LGS that my tax stamp was received that morning, so lead time was fewer than two weeks shy of one year!
Texted Wifey and PeachBoy with the news, Wifey replied back "Funny, I was just thinking about the suppressor this morning. Hadn't thought of it in months." Amos 3.7?
Member, Gun Owners of America
CC: CZ 2075 RAMI BD in PappaWheelie Invisible 15 Round RAMI Holster
Homeboy: CZ 97 BD, Underwood 45 Super 120 Grain Xtreme Defender ammo
UBG: CZ 75 SP-01 Tactical Urban Grey Suppressor-ready
-all w/ CGW Short Reset Kit/1485-T2 Disco, 5 "Thick" Trigger, polished SA tooth

Offline PappaWheelie

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Re: Surefire Ryder 9 Ti Acquisition Process
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2019, 03:14:52 PM »
The Surefire Ryder 9Ti made it home and is now attached to Ultimate Bedroom Gun, which has displaced Homeboy at bedside, resting in its mattress-anchored pouch.
I disassembled it and coated all mating surfaces with Break Free CLP, allowed all to thoroughly dry, then applied a film of Loctite LB 8012
to all mating surfaces before reassembly in the interest of easy future disassembly.
As a Noise and Vibration Engineer with career focus on acoustics, I'm VERY impressed with the engineering of this suppressor. The "paper thin" (for mass control) chamber cups progress in volume and all feature damping orifices (tiny slots) to bleed off pressure in an anti-adiabatic energy-dissipating fashion, and all display precision-clearance machining and surface finish that screams manufacturing expertise: Titanium is exceedingly difficult to machine.
Call me happy customer. Haven't yet shot it, but just handling the pistol-with-suppressor is a delight: the mass of the suppressor adds a bit of polar (rotary) moment of inertia but somehow gives a sense of weightlessness by its very small-feeling addition to the mass of the steel-framed SP-01. I expected a real nose-heavy feel and am blown away by the absence of such.
It turns out that 1 1/4" is the perfect size for the Suppressor-ready tall sights, which look over the top of the can just as their tops come into alignment. I highly recommend this suppressor for the Limited Edition Urban Grey Suppressor-ready CZ 75 SP-01 Tactical!
« Last Edit: October 12, 2019, 06:18:14 PM by PappaWheelie »
Member, Gun Owners of America
CC: CZ 2075 RAMI BD in PappaWheelie Invisible 15 Round RAMI Holster
Homeboy: CZ 97 BD, Underwood 45 Super 120 Grain Xtreme Defender ammo
UBG: CZ 75 SP-01 Tactical Urban Grey Suppressor-ready
-all w/ CGW Short Reset Kit/1485-T2 Disco, 5 "Thick" Trigger, polished SA tooth