You've got to be kidding ! I can't believe Family is more important than Reloading !! 
No,it isn't family - it is $$. Since my brother's passing we have had to make the $1200/month mortgage payment (and electric, sewer, etc) on my brother's house or we lose the house and any equity. So I've been working hard on trying to sell the stupid thing - 2400 miles away. Luckily a good friend there has been helping let folks into the house, making sure the pool guy is really taking care of the pool, etc.
Closing is supposed to be today. So, if that happens I'll have more "free time" to not spend on trying to sell a house that is costing me $$.
THEN Family will be more important!

The Dillon has a funnel at the top of the feed. Not wanting to glue or permanently mount the magnet, I stuck a smaller magnet (or plain steel piece) inside the funnel area, and then stuck a larger magnet to the outside. Cases just jump over to it when they get anywhere near.
I got some of the hard drive magnets too, and they work great for this job.

Maybe I'll try some double sticky tape for the magnet - good idea!
My younger son and I have been having good father-son bonding time while shooting his 1911 and my CZ. So, I need to get my act together and get some more reloaded. Then I need to do more 45's. I've not loaded 45's since 2016 and even then there were not that many I did. However, running out of factory ammo, so......