Author Topic: Snuck out after work to shoot a new rifle  (Read 1162 times)

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Offline timetofly

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Snuck out after work to shoot a new rifle
« on: August 23, 2019, 10:05:09 PM »
Last week I bought a Savage 223 bolt action with a factory mounted Nikon 3-9 scope, and had it shipped home.  We had a little break in the rains today so after work I snuck out to the range to try it out. I used 55 grain Hornady Varmint Express to sight in the scope.  Very surprised with how well this combination worked together.  During the week I loaded a course ladder of 55 grain Hornady V-Max rounds (0.5 grain increments) using the only powder that was in the Hornady book that I had, IMR 3031.  I intended on shooting these after sighting in the rifle just for fun.  The four round groups are across the top of the paper, and the five rounds to sight in the rifle are the two pasters and the three on the left splatter target.  All of these rounds were shot at 100 yards. 

All in all I'm happy with this purchase and the results.  It also helps to be extremely lucky sighting in a rifle.  If anyone has a pet powder for 223 Rem and 55 grain projectiles I would appreciate your input.

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Offline M1A4ME

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Re: Snuck out after work to shoot a new rifle
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2019, 07:36:52 AM »
These are all for AR15s, but have been shot in a Savage bolt action varmint rifle.

I use IMR4198 and BLC2 (the IMR4198 needs to be weighed as it meters inconsistently while the BLC2 meters very consistently).

My youngest son like H335.

Both/all are used with 55 grain Hornady FMJBT bullets.

Many years ago my varmint load in my M700 varmint special was a 45 grain spitzer sitting on top of IMR4198.  Again, I weighed the powder charges for those.

You want small groups = sorting your brass, trimming it (deburring/chamfering after trimming), experimenting with primers/powders/bullets, bullet seating depth.  Smallest groups are rarely, if ever, achieved with the highest velocity loads.

You don't need to trim every time.

You don't need to crimp the case mouth around the bullet.  I don't even crimp for the AR15s.

Many people claim the flat based bullets can be more accurate when shooting 300 yds. or less than the expensive boat tail match bullets.  Sierra used to make a flat based "match" bullet years ago.  Either 52 or 53 grains, I don't remember which weight (the other one was a boat tail).

Good luck, go slow, be safe, ask questions, and have fun making it shoot small groups.
I just keep wasting time and money on other brands trying to find/make one shoot like my P07 and P09.  What is wrong with me?

Offline timetofly

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Re: Snuck out after work to shoot a new rifle
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2019, 08:38:21 AM »

All of the powders you listed were on my short list along with H322.  Now to get an order together and get'em on the way.  Thank you for the help.

I've got my work ahead of me sizing, trimming, wet tumbling some casings I ordered.  I bought a Lyman case length/headspace gauge to help cull out cases that won't size correctly, and a Dillon pocket swage for any crimped cases that come through.  All in all, I think that I'm ready to start having fun with the newest one.  For what it's worth, I sort all my casings by head stamps for consistency in COAL and general OCD. 

I only wish I had given up on my prejustice against 223 a long time ago.  It truly is a fun round to shoot.  Once I get long distance down, I would like to try prairie dog or other varmint shooting.  Like any other addiction, this is only the start  ::)
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Offline M1A4ME

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Re: Snuck out after work to shoot a new rifle
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2019, 10:15:55 AM »
I too had little/no use for the .223 after carrying the M16A1 and then getting my hands on an M14.  I had a prejudice against the rifle/round for many years.  I bought the M700 just for varmint hunting.  Half the powder of the .308, bullets cost about 1/2 what the .30 caliber bullets cost and once I got a load or to going very small groups.

Then I bought a Mini 14 and was introduced to the poor groups Mini14s are known for.  Well, compared to the M700 anyway.

After awhile, part of the fun of groundhog hunting was sneaking up closer on them.  I only did head shots and with that rifle it was pretty easy.  So, sneaking up on them added some more fun into day.  One of the farms we hunted on is in sight of I64 between Lewisburg, WV and Sam Black Church and to this day (35 years later) I still look over there and think about those fun days.

Nothing wrong with the 3X9 scope.  I used a 4X12 but found, after awhile I found I usually kept it on 8 or 10X.  I bought a 10X for it and left it on the rifle.
I just keep wasting time and money on other brands trying to find/make one shoot like my P07 and P09.  What is wrong with me?