These are all for AR15s, but have been shot in a Savage bolt action varmint rifle.
I use IMR4198 and BLC2 (the IMR4198 needs to be weighed as it meters inconsistently while the BLC2 meters very consistently).
My youngest son like H335.
Both/all are used with 55 grain Hornady FMJBT bullets.
Many years ago my varmint load in my M700 varmint special was a 45 grain spitzer sitting on top of IMR4198. Again, I weighed the powder charges for those.
You want small groups = sorting your brass, trimming it (deburring/chamfering after trimming), experimenting with primers/powders/bullets, bullet seating depth. Smallest groups are rarely, if ever, achieved with the highest velocity loads.
You don't need to trim every time.
You don't need to crimp the case mouth around the bullet. I don't even crimp for the AR15s.
Many people claim the flat based bullets can be more accurate when shooting 300 yds. or less than the expensive boat tail match bullets. Sierra used to make a flat based "match" bullet years ago. Either 52 or 53 grains, I don't remember which weight (the other one was a boat tail).
Good luck, go slow, be safe, ask questions, and have fun making it shoot small groups.