Excerpt of light strikes quotes, missfire, firing pin, solutions, ideas, discussion, thoughts, concepts Part1
Every gun is a law unto itself
line to prequote this cluster too.
To get a overview about what could cure the missfires i wildly copyd statements who sounded promising. When trawling through the kadet clubs data for hours, because of my kadets light strike odyssey (
https://czfirearms.us/index.php?topic=104837.0) Let the quotes beginn:
testing dif. mainsprings
polishing FP channel, FP and FP spring
FP heavyer
longer FP
reduce hit area of FP
choose hit area of FP on brass, avoid strongest brass area
Measure rim thickness.
let a gunsmith check the headspace, how much headspace is left with a round loaded in the chamber and the slide closed. The thought to it is, if the rimfire sits not tight against barrel face, the kadets firing pin can shove the cartidge forward and looses its momentum to ignite the primer on the first strike.
Then I looked closely at the fit of the slide as it closed against the back end of the barrel. Bingo! There was enough metal left at the back of the slide in the corners to prevent it from solidly and squarely locking up against the barrel. If it didn't lock up tight, misfire happened. A little work with a small file and my Dremel and the lockup was fine. No more misfires.
first: you need to make sure the hammer of your gun does not strike the top of the kadet kit when hammer is down, some/most do with stock hammers (a .005"-.010") or so interference, the CGW race hammer not likely due to the 45degree back angle at top of hammer but I hand filed mine back a bit just in case of interference which was noted on the stock hammer.
second: I backbored (end milled) the firing pin holding retainer clip .032"-.035", thus allowing a 'greater' transfer of energy time from hammer strike to drive firing pin forward.
third: clipped/shortened the return firing pin spring by 2 or 3 rotations.
forth: added apx .125" of pre-load to the CGW 13lb spring.
went to the local hardware store and bout some washers, put them on the trigger 'stem' first then put the spring back in.. added a shim or two at a time, put back together, try a magazine, then do over until it was shooting 100%. Still working at this time, will try to get more round count down the barrel soon.
If your Delron bushing holds up... I'd love to purchase one from you.. I don't have access to all the tool/die machinery I used too, it was my initial thought to make a aluminum or copper bushing once I had a basic size/length to work from.
I also wish I hadn't missed purchasing a extended firing pin from CGW with a reduced return spring.
Those results are interesting, but keep in mind that a 13 lb/in hammer spring installed with spacers is a preloaded spring now closer to coil bind and is no longer rated at 13 lb/in from its new installed length. Your shortened hammer spring will feel different in DA than it did before without the spacer when you put the centerfire slide back on. Still interesting results, especially with the firing pin and retainer plate changes.
all good points.. glad everyone thinking a bit about this.. as of today,, 250 rnds.. no issues. first strike 100%. yes, trigger is 'slightly heavier' than when 13lbs minus spacer. but the break is the same with a CGW race hammer, crisp, no creep.
per my tool an die days... yes.. adds PRE-load tension.. and MAY shorten spring life (reasonable), but still is can be very effective in the right application.
I really feel allowing a mere .032-.035" (thousands of an inch, to those not familiar.. human hair about .003-.004" thick) is the key here. I haven't had time to check if I can go to .045" deep on backbore and then remove spacer. seems interesting doesn't it w/ a stock CGW slightly pre loaded 13lbs spring?. the transfer of energy is crucial to my mind. allowance for transfer of kept energy via a slightly longer contact period b/t hammer and firing pin seem to be the key.. I can't get away from that aspect. adding pre-load to hammer spring is a basic in tool/die performance day to day stuff... why over purchase a springs.. if a bit, small amount of pre-load works.. again.. maybe a 14lb or or a back bored retainer to .045 with a 13lb spring is the 'magic' .... don't know..
I just know what I have works.. easily and fine.. replacement on main springs is relatively cheap. for what I get. reliable fire first strike on all .22lr ammo tried thus far.. and crisp break..
100prcnt with a 13lb CGW mainspring, a race hammer and some extra spacers/washers
On the phone, CGW said 17# would not be 100% without an extended FP (which they no longer sell). That is why I was thinking about the 18# or 19#, as the stock spring is 20#. But if it will not help SA, and will be minimal help for
I think CGW is being very conservative. I believe I've used the 17# spring with the factory firing pin and it works fine. The springs are cheap from CGW or gunsprings.com (Wolfe) if you want to try one.
the above responders now far more than I do ... however.. my current Kadet fires 100prcnt with a 13lb CGW mainspring, a race hammer and some extra spacers/washers added to the main spring... current hammer pull is no big deal in DA. in SA is a hard to period. have over 400rnds in Kadet with 100prcnt first hit firing at this time. but I started with a gun close to 85-90prcent with the light main spring.
The 17# spring is the lightest you can run and get 100% ignition. Try it. It's only the first double action shot that is significantly affected by the hammer spring. You can put in the CGW sear and hammer if you want a perfect single action trigger pull. I did that to mine about 27k rounds ago, will shoot a bullseye match with it in 8 days. Gun has 31k rounds through it.
A 15# will get you about 90% ignition. We've tried all kinds of hammers, firing pin modifications, firing pin springs, etc. There have been a few isolated cases where a 15 has worked more than 90% of the time, but the general result is that a 17 will always do the trick. I converted mine to single action only and left the 17# hammer spring in the gun.
The CGW hammer and sear will provide an absolutely excellent trigger pull for the springs you have to run.
Re: Reduced power hammer spring
Since you shoot bullseye, any other accuracy tips for the Kadet?
The 17# spring is the lightest you can run and get 100% ignition. Try it. It's only the first double action shot that is significantly affected by the hammer spring.
Wolff sells 18# and 19# hammer springs, though.
The true name for the major Upper part are:
"Slide Housing" (the main part that holds the Barrel and the Sights)
Yesterday i did 140 shots and had only 1 light strike ? with the 20lbs spring. And i blame that on the ammo
180 shots today without any issue!
That was the first time in 8 months and around 8000 rounds. :-)
I keep a Hoppe's BoreSnake handy, and run it thru every 100/150 Rounds
It tends to help with most failures
I also have to add oil to the slide rails pretty darn often in the summer, like every 200 rounds or so.
In one Kadets I worked over made this clou a good deal:
At first I clipped the mainspring half coil by half coil to lighten the trigger pull. Side effect it is easier for the Kadet slide to run back and throw the empties because the hammer has not that much resistance than before.
I checked with all 22lr ammo I could get by and as the gun starts misfires due to too light hammer strikes I shifted a washer over the spring rod. This lifts the spring and was crucial for the gun to ignite each shell sure with no remarkable difference of light trigger pull. First come the washer, then spring and then the end cap with pin. You can vary the washers thickness until best results.
Acompanied with a polishing job at all lock parts and alterating the sear angle made all this a very soft, crisp and reliable gun whatsoever.
however, you do NOT need to only have 17-19lb mainspring, I currently use a 13lb mainspring with a few added thin washers to add PRE-LOAD, been 100% x 400rnds first strike. Plus, contact CGW for a 'few' of the other non mentioned issues which can cause light strikes.!!
Does your bolt make contact with the housing at the front, or is there a gap?
See this post...
http://www.czfirearms.us/index.php?topic=39826.msg221907#msg221907no, my KK fits flush.. however I did reshape the guide rod projection to allow my KK to allow it to fit flush and bottom out. That was done apx. 1.5 yrs ago when I started my my 'tweaking' of the Kadet to get reliable firing.
The other issue most don't look for, is to check to make sure the Hammer will actually lay flat against the striking surface.. some Kadets slide's are 'overbuilt' on that surface and don't allow for a full hammer strike and lay flat against the hammer pin/surface.
Re: 13lb/100%
Mine has a gap, but no signs of the recoil spring seat/guide rod projection being the issue.
Where did yours hit?
AND, contact Joe (75Plus) and see if he has any of his Stainless Guide Rods
You never know, you goota cut every little bit of drag you can
first: you need to make sure the hammer of your gun does not strike the top of the kadet kit when hammer is down, some/most do with stock hammers (a .005"-.010") or so interference, the CGW race hammer not likely due to the 45degree back angle at top of hammer but I hand filed mine back a bit just in case of interference which was noted on the stock hammer.
second: I backbored (end milled) the firing pin holding retainer clip .032"-.035", thus allowing a 'greater' transfer of energy time from hammer strike to drive firing pin forward.
third: clipped/shortened the return firing pin spring by 2 or 3 rotations.
forth: added apx .125" of pre-load to the CGW 13lb spring.
that is all I have done.
Very cool
It has been a long hard road for ANYONE to get even close to 100% with a light Hammer Spring
I stoned the rails on the Kadet
I figured out where my final little "hitch" is. It's actually occurring where the bottom of the FP keeper travels across the angled portion of the race hammer. It "hangs" up just a little bit in both directions of slide travel
the Extended firing pin from CGW as well for insurance.
As Painter said;
Find the Lower you like best for it
Some have added Bolt / Slider Racker Studs to help with getting a grip on the thinness of the Bolt
Some have "tuned" their Ejector too
Maybe one of Joe's (75plus) Stainless Guide Rods
And one of Joe's KADET Firing Pin Service Tools
Keeping a Bore Snake and a "Tooth" Brush handy isn't a bad idea either
If I were to turn one, not only would I add a little to the Tip length, but I'd make the Hammer end as long as it can be and still allow for servicing ( i.e. removing and installing the Stop )
yes was thinking longer tip, longer rear end.
if can figure out how to make the Kadet run with light hammer spring. that would be a game changer in all this.
Re: Extended Kadet Firing Pin
Stuart and Schmeky--I tested an extended pin and a light spring with both 13 and 15 lb hammer springs without total success, I'm afraid. I would have to check my notes, but I think the 15 was good for about 90-95% firing and the 13 was not usable. I went back to a 17 hammer spring. I think that is correct.
I would love to be able to use the same springs as for a competition gun, but I don't know how to do it.
1st - You have to make sure that the barrel is location properly, so that the bolt impacts the slide, not the chamber end of the barrel.
2nd - Extended Firing Pin (for experimentation, it would be nice to have the same lengths but one standard weight and another lightened version.)
3rd - Reduced power firing pin spring
4th - (possibly) heavier hammer itself
It'll have to be a package deal.
Joe, that was my same experience when experimenting with your pin.
I had your longer pin, played with some reduced length firing pin springs, shadow hammers, and some TS hammers for weight. checked barrel play, etc.
still was not the reliability I wanted.
18lb ms in now to make the kadet 99%reliable
Good points and I listen. I have given the Kadet EXFP much thought. I have extended the hammer end, plus extended the opposite end as well. However, the FP cannot contact the rim when the hammer is at rest. I feel a sharp pointed angle on the rim-fire contact area is important. Don't want to spread the inertia over to much area of the brass, but at the same time it can't be to sharp.
Lastly, the FP spring is a real bear. So I did the calculations and the new FP spring should be the perfect working match for a 13# hammer spring. As with all plans of mice and men, only testing will tell.
My new Kadet kit came today.
The firing pin has a slight bevel on one side.
Have you seen this?
If you look closely you will see that the bevel is at the bottom of the wedge of the FP. The area of the cartridge that would be contacted by the missing bit has little or no primer material so it is removed to concentrate the impact in the area that will do the most good.
22s and they run 99.999%
Yes, I do work-over all my Guns to get them as reliable as I can
So yes, I did stone the KADET Rails as smooth as possible (breaking all corners) without changing the dimensions
AND, contact Joe (75Plus) and see if he has any of his Stainless Guide Rods
You never know, you goota cut every little bit of drag you can
https://czfirearms.us/index.php?topic=60068.0Wolfe Springs made it here today. They make 22#, 24# and 26# extra power springs for the CZ. Given the problems I have had, I decided to start with the 26# spring. Its OD was snug on the ID of the main spring plug. I grabbed a few spent cases to check how the fining pin imprinted with this setup. It looks good. Will try to get a range report thi
Zero FTF!
Ran 250 rounds though with no FTF issues. 150 Federal and 100 CCI Blazer. The Federal ammo did give some failure to feed and some failure to eject issues, but no FTF. I suspect the heavier hammer spring was holding the bolt back a little and did not allow it to cycle fully. Keep in mind I did have the heaviest hammer spring installed (26#), but it lit off every round. The CCI stuff did just fine. So I guess the next thing to do is drop back to the 24# hammer spring to see if I still get zero FTF and eliminate the FTF and FTE issues with the Federal bulk stuff.
I did grab a bunch of spent brass and plan to look at it more carefully to see what variations in hammer strikes were occurring. Will get back to the group later on what I find.
Here is the final geometry of the firing pin that is working for me. I will also include the firing pin stop detail. Basically the firing pin stop is just modified by slotting the top and adding the hole.
Here is the final geometry of the firing pin that is working for me. I will also include the firing pin stop detail. Basically the firing pin stop is just modified by slotting the top and adding the hole.
What strength hammer spring is it working with?
“Firearms are second only to the Constitution in importance; they are the peoples' liberty's teeth.”
George Washington
"A gun is like a parachute. If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."
Right now I am using the Wolfe 26# extra power spring.
To recoup;
Modified CGW extended firing pin, wider front after filing, extended rear section by welding bead on (hammer now drives FP into rim rather than using inertia)
Added FP forward travel limiting spacer, FP can not protrude beyond headspace (not req'd if you make new F/P)
CGW light weight FP spring
Modified FP retainer to facilitate assembly with this firing pin
Modified bolt (hole added) to retain modified FP retainer to bolt
Added 1/16" roll pin to hold FP retainer in place
Wolfe 26# hammer spring
I guess I've lost track of where this is all going ?
I thought the point of this exercise was to get the Kadet to run FTF(ire) free, using a low power (11, 13 or 15lb) Hammer Spring
I have been seeing 99.9% FTF free using Fed, 550 Bulk, running X-Power (in the B-SA Frame) and the Stock Hammer Spring (in the B-Frame), using the Stock Kadet Firing Pin with the Shoulders reduced as per previous Threads
All I used was my Micrometer, a Safety File and a Drill Motor / Press
After a nice CZ-USA Trigger Job, the Trigger on my B-SA (Lower) is breaking clean at < 3 lbs with an X-Power, 4 lbs with the Stock and 4.5 with the 15 lb HS
Go figure why it goes up when the Spring Weight goes down ? ?