Yeah I've always liked taurus. Couldn't say why. I know it's a cheap gun. But I put in a new ss guide rod because theirs was plastic, I mean poly, and a recoil spring from lakeline. I also polished some of the trigger parts to smooth out the pull. And polished the feed ramp. Took it to a friend's out in the boonies and it fired fine. Eventually I'll probably do what I always do with a taurus, trade up. My plan is to get some real CZs. Leaning towards the SP 01 and some 75s. I like the 1913 rail. I also want a 1911. Something I can build into a sweet weapon. Same with the CZs and all my weapons. The only thing I did to my Tokerev is new Hogue type grips and a compensator. Fires nice. Built in 64 , like me, I believe. It looks brand new. I also have plans for a Jericho 941 with a metal frame. Hopefully in .40 most likely be 9mm. Never liked a 9mm but been hearing good things about its progress. I want several CZs and CZ clones. The 2 1911s I want in .45 is a full size and an officers model. I've built several into nice weapons. Hopefully I can do it again. This time I'm keeping the guns, and the dogs.