I was originally introduced to CZ many years ago by trying out a friend's P01. It outshot my Berettas immediately and I took interest. Since I didn't care for the rail, I discovered the PCR version of it; desired the aluminum frame for weight. In my opinion, the PCR with the standard compact slide would have been a much better combination as the LCR and Front Slide Serrations were detriments to the package. That said, I "pulled the trigger" on the PCR and it served just fine on the hip OWB with "combat accuracy" good enough. Once experiencing the crazy tight groups achievable from my later acquired Matte Stainless, I began to question how crappy my PCR's groups were in comparison. CGW's 3 piece spring kit with no other changes made the trigger quite nice, has been 100% reliable, and was a vast improvement in feel, but not accuracy. I finally gave in and purchased a 10x bushing and voila! I now have another target gun!! The original barrel bushing grind on the Inside Diameter was all kinds of nasty -- oval in shape; thickness around the circumference variable.
The only reason my PCR doesn't get much carry duty is that it pretty much has been replaced with a bone-stock RAMI (safety version but carried DA first shot) that anecdotally has much better out of box accuracy than my original PCR sample, especially with my preferred 147gr SD fodder. All my CZs for target shooting prefer 124 gr.
Years later (especially as a target gun) the LCR and FSS of the PCR don't really bother me.