Grendel hit the nail, I believe- "they are functional, reasonably priced and reliable". Like them or not, it's hard to deny these three traits. They give a person comfort and confidence, and once that's established, it's hard to break away. I've owned them, still have one (the only gun my wife has ever bought me for Christmas, and I can't convince her to keep up the tradition), and I respect them. They aren't my preference, functionally or aesthetically. But, I'd trust my life to one.
I think YOU hit the nail on the head with that last sentence," I'd trust my life to one" and that's how I feel too. I'm fanatical about few guns or brands simply because but I can see if one concept is better than another. I dont have blind brand loyalty either. I like what works, for me and Glocks have always , always worked for me. I must be one of those weirdos who's hands and body mechanics were used by Gaston when developing his little wonder because they shoot great for me. They fit my hands and I think they have always had a sinister look that appeals to me. When it comes to tools I appreciate simplicity and Gs have that. I've just never had a problem with any of the 9 I've owned since 1989. I currently own 2, a 17 and a 21sf. I've never went over the top with any changes to any of them. Save for the sights youd be hard pressed to look at any of mine and say that they weren't stock, but they're not but they sure do look like they are. Hell, I'm no engineer so why am I going to change something and " make it better" ? I think that's where alot of folks get into trouble. Subtle improvements are fine and often beneficial but messing with weights of reciprocating mass, spring weights and things going on inside the gun I'll leave to the professional. Aftermarket parts for Glocks have made it too easy for people who maybe dont know what they are doing to make the gun worse not better. Not in every case but I have seen it with my own eyes.
This may be heresy here, and since I'm new to the CZ world I may very well change my mind, but right now if I were again to go to Hell I'd grab my Glock and go there, and Glock is not my favorite handgun by a longshot, I'm a 1911 freak but I know enough to know that my 1911s are not a Glock.
So, I think that Glocks are still so popular because they are probably just about the most widely used handgun on the planet today and are deadly reliable and I too would trust my families lives to one.
Again, give me a chance to become familiar with the world of CZs and I too may come to feel the same way about them.
Oh, and I'm not one of those people who hangs out at the range, a local gunship or a forum and badmouthed anybody's choice of firearm. I dont extol the virtues of Glocks or wax eloquent for hours about Glock being the best handgun. I make my choices and form my opinion on MY experiences, others experience leads them to where they are.