I have recently started having problems with a slow slide and failure to eject on my DW Vigil full size 9mm.
I replaced my recoil spring with a new 10lb Wilson Combat spring, did a thorough cleaning and lube and the problem still exist. By looking at the enclosed pics, it looks like the extractor may be tight or out of adjustment? At the range today the following ammo brands and weights had failure to eject with almost every round fired:
Fiochhi - 115g
American Eagle - 115g
Blazer Brass - 115g
Federal HST - 124g
Remington UMC - 124g
The following worked 100% - 50 rds of each:
Magtech - 115g
Blazer Brass - 124g
Speer Lawman - 147g
I have more questions than answers:
• Use of the word "recently" is not clear. Are you saying that everything was previously working perfectly, and this situation just started ? Or are you saying you just got the gun ?
• Thoroughly cleaned... including the extractor and extractor well ?
• What is the round count on the gun ?
• What is the weight of the stock spring for comparison ? What lead you to pick a WC 10# ?
• Have you added a recoil buffer, changed the hammer spring housing,
or added/ modified/ changed any other internal accessory ?
• In an auto handgun, the total recoil force is absorbed by the recoil spring PLUS the hammer spring. Have you modified the hammer spring.
• What happens when you cycle test cartridges (like Snap Caps) by hand through the action ?
Inquiring minds, and all that.