I've searched posts everywhere and know the rattling mags is a common issue. The two I received with my pistol, both rattle once I have 11 rounds in the mag. It's got to have something to do with the angle at which the cartridges and follower and spring sit within the magazine body. It looks and sounds like the follower looses contact with the bullet end of the cartridge while at the same time stacking at the primer end allowing the front of the cartridge to move back and forth within the mag. at first I thought it sounded like the follower moving to an fro, but I can't picture how that could happen without losing contact with the spring. Actually it could, but you would think it would only happen in one position but as the spring compresses it would go away. There is more than plenty upward force at the case head end of the mag, but very easy to make the mouth end nose dive within the mag. I think there is only one position where the cartridge is only in contact only at the case head end. Then when the next round gets to that position it is unsupported at one end and so on. Anyway that's my theory. How to remedy the condition is the problem. I have read some mags don't do this, that it's about 50/50. Who makes aftermarket mags for CZ pistols and do they have the same issue?
It's really an unacceptable condition. It's ok at the range, but if you have to be stealthy, you can't have your gun sounding like the blind guy rattling coins in his cup. Any inputs welcome.