I purchased a CZ Shadow 2 Orange, great platform but, I wanted to add a Red Dot. So, I purchased a Trijicon RMRcc and sent the package to my friends at Wicked Arms in Baton Rouge LA. This is the third platform John has modified for me. While John was preparing to work on my CZ I decided to bite the bullet and go whole hog… I contacted John and asked him to include the Banshee Slide Cut. First, if there’s a question on why the RMRcc, I did it for the sleekness of the installation. There’s a whole posting on the Facebook CZ page on the debate. (To me, there’s no debate!). I’m excited to see John’s photos of the finished product that he sent today, can’t wait to get it to the range!
Original Shadow 2 Orange:
Wicked Arms Orange Banshee: