I took the new P-01 to the range yesterday and have a few notes to post.
I put 200 rounds through it and had 1 hiccup, a failure to feed. It happened early in the session so I’m chalking it up to teething. It happened with a 115 gr round nose. It pushed straight into the feed ramp and stopped. I polished the feed ramp today. There were no other failures.
I was shooting at 10 and 25 yards. Accuracy was good. As I wrote on an earlier post, the trigger has some creep. There is more engagement between the sear and the hammer hook than on my SP-01. I don’t think polishing the engagement surfaces will take the creep out. I think the hammer hook on the The CGW hammer must have a shorter hook. I’ll give them a call tomorrow and see what they think.
The sights were pretty much on at 25 yards, but I wanted night sights for this gun so today I changed them out with the night sights I had removed from my SP-01. I’ll find out this coming weekend if it effected POI.
The rubber grips are too thick for IWB carry and they catch on clothing, so I ordered some thin aluminum grips. No matter how I carried it, it was printing. Thinner grips should help.
I’m happy with the gun, fit and finish is really good just a couple of things to iron out and it’ll be ready to carry.