The 147gr was chosen by the Sheriff's Department, not me or the nephew. Long range stats are expected to be mediocre, but the choice of bullet weight is out of my hands. Typical engagements in this county tend to be at 10 yards.
Interestingly, he reported to me that 2 engagements where shots were fired, Hornady
Critical Defense failed to penetrate. One, a 40 cal, was 'return fire' by him at a perp about 30 yards away. The shot entered the perp's scalp at the rear, and circumnavigated the head between the skull and scalp. However, the shot did knock him to the ground where he was cuffed and arrested. The perp had a huge headache and spend several hours in the hospital to remove the slug from his forehead.
Second shot (caliber unknown) was at a perp leaving the scene in a neighboring county. Shot was fired at close range, 4 to 5 yards through a closed car window. Same thing happened. Bullet entered the scalp and due to the angle, raced around the cranium under the scalp.
Neither county sheriff's department now use Hornady ammo.