Ok, had to share with you guys. Yesterday I finally got to the range and had the most fun in quite a while. I met a CZ friend there that has 2 S2s at the pistol pit. I WAS going to use my newly barreled SP-01, but new grip issues kept that from happening. So I have brought out a PILE of bullets, and no 9mm to shoot them with. So my friend offers to let me shoot one of his 2 Shadow2s. I happily took the chance. I had bought that gun barley used and sold to him so I could build up the SP-01, so I was familiar with it.
I loaded mags and quickly went from the largest steel targets to the smallest, which was a 4" plate hanging by only 1 chain, and since it was meant to be hung on 2 sides it was only showing about 1/3 of the plate. Perfect target I figure. It took me a few shots, but I started hitting it. Well my good friend saw this and took off. He hit it too.
Then we loaded mags and I let him say "Go". We got into a rhythm leap frogging each other with the times shots. There were a couple of times that we both hit it at the same time, I would wait until he shot and if he hit it I would try to time the swing. What a blast. We didn't keep score, but were about even(each with ~5 or 6 hits). Then we went again, and again. The other pistol shooters just put their stuff down to watch the fun. Best day I had in a while! Figured I'd share. Hope you guys have a great week!