Beautiful day in MI today so I decided to not only check reliability of a new load for me, but also fired up the PRO CHRONO Digital.
All ammo and magazines were temperature soaked before shooting. All velocities were measured 9.0 feet from muzzle to center point of the Chronograph. Velocity Data captured in Feet/Second
52 deg F, 32.5 Inches Hg, 45% humidity
40 S&W Winchester Ranger Bonded, 165 gr (Brass Case) government overrun:
Beretta 96A1, 4.9" Barrel: 10 Shots:
1017 High
974 Low
994 Avg
43 Extreme Spread
13 Std Deviation
Charter Pitbull Revolver, 2.3" Barrel: 10 Shots:
922 High
877 Low
905 Avg
45 Extreme Spread
14 Std Deviation
54 deg F, 32.2 Inches Hg, 45% humidity
40 S&W Federal HST, 180 gr:
Beretta 96A1, 4.9" Barrel: 12 Shots:
1010 High
955 Low
974 Avg
55 Extreme Spread
15 Std Deviation
Charter Pitbull Revolver, 2.3" Barrel: 15 Shots:
982 High
897 Low
946 Avg
85 Extreme Spread
23 Std Deviation
Additional Notes:
Charter Pitbull (non-adjustable) sights are well regulated for WIN RANGER, 165gr as I hit the gong at 12 yards every time.
Rarely hit gong with Charter shooting with HST at 12 yards. Didn't try to alter aim as more concerned with Chrono measurements.
Felt recoil from HST through Charter was substantially more significant!
Beretta smoked the gong nearly every time; could not really feel a difference in recoil between the two.
Were I to eliminate the first and last Beretta Shots (the 2 highest data points), extreme spread and SD would likely decrease significantly.