I do understand it. And I am comfortable with carrying a CZ pistol cocked and locked. I was probably not clear in my post.
I just wondered if having a non-moving sear,
when on safe, is desirable on a stock sear/hammer combo. If camming back is simply a "feature" of the CZ set-up, I get that. I do know that using a competition hammer with a different sear engagement angle can yield a setup that does not cam the hammer back. I also know that people send their pistols to CGW to get the camming back and creep eliminated.
To clarify: Is this "cam-back"
on safe just the way the stock hammer-sear-
safety works, or is it possible to fit a
safety so the camming back (and slight movement of the sear cage) is eliminated from the stock sear/hammer when the gun is on safe?
I suppose I'm just fishing for details now. The standard set up is entirely safe as it functions... I guess I'm wondering if the slop in the sear/hammer/safety when on safe is just a tolerance/design point.
I hope that makes my thought clearer. Thanks.
Thank you for trying to help me out.