Bottom line up front:
I currently have a P07 suppressor ready. Love it. I want to buy a P07 standard height sights, standard barrel (green frame). Is there any potential issue with swapping slides between the two frames, so I end up with a suppressor ready green framed P07 and an urban grey standard P07? I have a couple thousand down the tube for my SR P07...any potential issues with e.g., locking block being mated to the barrel etc?
More detailed response:
All the SR goodies are nice but add a bit of size / weight. I'd like to carry it with standard sights / mags / barrel. Once you add up the cost of regular sights, a non-threaded barrel, and two spare mags you might as well just buy another pistol. I want a grey framed regular P07 and a green SR version because RuLe Of CoOl.