ATFE has their fair share of time wasters and pork fat, like any other government agency. I have also met actual ATFE agents, (field, not the lab rats), who were decent hard working people. They also seem to have NO sense of humor whatsoever...worked two gun shops and two ranges, true story there. But they were doing a difficult and vaguely defined job with as much frustration as we have.
The folding adapter doesn't constitute a "redesign" of the brace, as far as I know, ( I am NOT an ATFE lab rat, special agent, or any other federal LEO), as when it is extended the brace still needs to be properly affixed to your forearm to function as designed. That is my layman's interpretation, admittedly biased to keeping braces legal as they serve a valuable function, especially to our disabled veterans. I would myself like sometime to look into the folding brace adapter - the BREN 2 MS is just WAY too much fun!