More to accuracy than the barrel.
I have a pistol, or three, that shoot awesome groups. I use them as standards to compare the other pistols, too. If you see my range day reports you know I use the P07 to show me if the bad day I'm having with a non-CZ pistol is me or the pistol/ammo.
I bought an Apex barrel for my M&P 2.0 5" FDE 9MM. It shrunk the groups, but not to P07/P09 standards. Not even close. One of the guys on the M&P forum suggested replacing the locking block in the frame where the barrel/take down lever attach. He said some M&P's get out of the factory with out of spec locking blocks and replacing that in one of his pistol helped a lot. I've got it, just gotta get it put in and get back to the range.
I don't think I've ever heard of guys on the forum here replacing the locking blocks in their P07/P09/P10 pistols, but CZ USA used to sell them on their web site. Not saying it would help, I never tried it, my P07 and P09 are the most accurate CZs I own.
I know some of my CZ's are extremely tight and take some force to get the slide release lever started moving and then pushed out. On my P07 I have to use the corner of a magazine to get the slide release started and then I have to wiggle the slide to the front/rear while pulling on the slider release and have to re grasp the slide release two or three times before it finally comes loose/out of the frame. Very tight fight with the barrel and the barrel has a tight fit with the slide. And the darn pistol shoots amazing groups with the loads I shoot in it.