Barrel backordered on Brownells - got the 1-7 twist 20" version. I'll be piecing the upper parts together in the meantime. It's kinda like a 6mm Grendel. Local 6mm bullet supplies are plentiful and run a range of 58gn to 108gn. I was just thinking to myself a couple weeks ago what would be the best varmit round for the AR platform and decided to just settle for the 223 based on cost mostly - then this turns up -cool we'll run it!
My decision now is to build a new upper or dismantle my current one and use as many parts off it as I can. It has the SA adj gas block (same size .750), handguard and a scope I would use more on this upper. I think my biggest (F that noise is the barrel nut, I really don't want to remove and reuse that). The BCG is based off the Grendel.
Powder/bullet suggestions?
I normally shoot out to 200, but I do have access to 1k+